Еще буквально вчера Сара Керриган была верным солдатом "Сынов Корхала" и беспрекословно подчинялась приказам их лидера - Арктура Менгска. Но кто бы мог подумать, что Менгск так и не простил Саре давнее убийство своего отца. И в результате его интриг и предательства тайная операция на планете Тарсонис, столице Конфедерации, превратилась в кровавую мясорубку из-за нашествия зергов, а для самой Сары обернулось унизительным пленом... Но оказывается, что это просто очень тернистый путь к новым возможностям. Возможности стать сильнее. Возможности отомстить. Возможности получить немного удовольствия... Это история о пути Сары Керриган. От преданного солдата до могучей (и сексуальной) Королевы Клинков
Ver.0.44: Changelog: High priority: New scene: Milky cow teacher New scene: QoB vs Stukov: Trap New scene: Lizzara vs Stukov: Submission Holiday scene: Present for a naughty girl Holiday scene: Thief Medium priority: Translations update New outfit: Zergling-gremlin New outfit: Christmas redhead Sarah New outfit: Sarah-cow New outfit: Lizzara-cow Low priority: Bug and error fixes thanks to your reports
Ver.0.43.1: High priority: New scene: Surprise encounter New scene: Lewd kiss 2 New scene: Stuck in wall 3: Queen of Blades New scene: Stuck in wall 3: Lizzara Medium priority: Technical updates Translations updates Sprite update: Big-chested Lizzara UI update: Portuguese in the language select menu Low priority: UI update: “report issue” button
Ver.0.42: High priority: New scene: QoB vs Tal’darim: Defeat New scene: Split: body New scene: QoB vs Tal’darim: Rescue New scene: Lizzara in trouble Medium priority: UI update: Portuguese language button UI update: Mini-game skip button Translations updated Gallery updated Low priority: Bug fixes Ver.0.41: High priority: New scene: QoB vs Tal’darim: Hostage New scene: Split: Soul New scene: QoB vs Tal’darim: Spike Medium priority: New dialogue: Split New translation: Portuguese Other translations updated Gallery updated Low priority: Bug and typo fixes thanks to your reports
Ver.0.40: High priority: New scene: “Mesmerizing bug” (arena) New scene: “Mesmerizing bug” (penetration) New scene: “Women’s day” New scene: Dreadlock Sarah + Hydralisk (make your scene) Medium priority: New outfit: Lizzara catgirl Translations updated Low priority: Bug and typo fixes
Ver.0.39: High priority: New event: “Outpost” New scene: “Stukov seat” (QoB Hunger) New scene: “Tentacles and redhead” (make your scene) New scene: “The Door” Scene update: Operation start Medium priority: UI: Character icons (Labyrinth map) Machine translation: Previous poll winner Translation update: German (90%) Translation update: Spanish (99%) Translation update: French (93%) Low priority: Bug and typo fixes
High Priority: Festive Christmas tree for the bridge New scene: “Two huge presents” New scene: “Cowgirl!” (QoB and Ultralisk) New scene: “Spiky salvo” Medium Priority: Translation updated: Italian Translation updated: German Translation updated: French Low Priority: Various bugs and typos fixed
Ver.0.37: Changelog: High priority: New event: “Choice” New event: “Operation start” Ponderings: Plan of the Queen of Blades New event: “The beginning of the final phase” New scene: “New old friend” (Ursadon and QoB) New minigame: “Oh, you wait!” New scene: “Last rimming” (Sarah, Lizzara, Spike) New scene: “Last night” (Qob, Lizzara, Spike) New Non-h scene: “Chase” New dialogue: “First contact” New dialogue: “How did that even happen?” Scene continuation: “Not much of a helper” (QoB, Lizzara, Spike) Medium priority: Machine translation: poll winner (German) Low priority: UI update: Crumpled box Bugs and misspellings fixes
Ver.0.36: High priority: New sprite: Sarah (final) New event: "The Seventh Essence" New scene: "Power..." New scene: “Limb...” (part 1) New event: “Speaking to the Swarm.” Abathur's plan Queen of Blades’ plan Lizzara’s plan New event: “Ponderings” New scene: “Abathur’s checkup” Medium priority: New checkpoint (final chapter) Credits Low priority: UI Update: “Where's the bonus code?” Fixed bug with choosing control scheme of the Leviathan on Android Various bugfixes and typo corrections
High priority:
New scene: “Masturbation fantasies” New scene: “Baby making” New scene: “Not much of a helper” New scene: “Hunger of the Queen of Blades (Defiler)” New SFW scene: “Sorry…” Continuation scene: Fisting (Mistress) Continuation scene: Sarah doll (Level 1) Continuation scene: Piggy training (Lizzara) (round 2) Medium priority: New dialogue: Defiler (after Essence) New dialogue: Stukov (after Hunger) New item: Bucket Gallery update: New scenes added Low priority: Drawing details: Protective suits for Preparation (for the Ultralisk essence) Drawing details: Sarah's tattoo for collecting essences Fixed: Some broken Chinese lines Fixed: Other inaccuracies in the text
Ver.0.34.1: Fixed in 0.34.1: Minor text issues Fixed in 0.34.1: A bug that would occasionally appear in the Hydraliska minigame has been resolved Improved UI in 0.34.1: The tutorial in "Garbage Collection" can now be replayed Fixed in 0.34.1: The mysterious disappearance of Lizzara at the end of the third chapter Fixed in 0.34.1: Extra Stukov sprite during interaction with the button in chapter two
Ver.0.34: High priority: New scene: Ultralisk essence New scene: Preparation (Ultralisk essence) New scene: Revenge (QoB’s Hunger and Lizzara) New scene: Piggy training (Lizzara) New scene: QoB’s Hunge (Stukov: Level 2) New scene: Sex marathon (Zergling Hunger) New scene: Three hundred bucks (fisting) Medium priority: UI update: Ethnic outfits in language selection UI update:: Start-up splash screen (PC) Low priority: UI update: Ability to change font size UI update: The 'garbage collection' minigame has a better tutorial Control: Added option to control two tentacles at once Fixed: Error in the "Washing Zerglig" scene Fixed: In the "Zergling orders" scene, the words pussy and anal were mixed up. Freudian error? :D Fixed: In the same scene, there was a problem with the display of Spike's name Corrected: Other minor text errors
v0.33 High priority: New scene: Zergling orders (a new branch of scenes in second chapter) New scene: Ultralisk’s task New scene: Guardian Hunger (Queen of Blades) New scene: First Blowjob (Lizzara) New animation: Gloryhole Medium priority: Updated translations New dialogue: Carda New scenes added to the gallery Low priority: The animation for the "Bath Day" scene is now in .mp4 format Shuffled the load order of modules and functions (possibly buggy) Some typos fixed Some crashes detected and fixed Fixed bug with stamina wasting in "Psi-Masturbation" scene Fixed a bug that made characters' silhouettes show when hovered over during dialogues
v.0.32.1 Added censorship to all scenes The animation for the "Bath Day" scene is now in .mp4 format Fixed bug with stamina wasting in "Psy-Masturbation" scene Added new translations Updated existing translations Shuffled the order of loading modules and functions (possible bugs)
v.0.32 High priority: New scene: Sarah doll New scene: Psi-energy onanism (oh yeah, it involves that tentacle!) New scene: New friends New scene: Mutalisk essence New animation: “Satisfaction: level 3” with the Zergling
Medium priority: Gallery: added scenes from past updates Gallery: added scenes from update 32 Gallery: changed description for some scenes
Low priority: Fixed: removed a window upon launch (more about this later) Fixed: the “Washing the Zergling” scene didn’t have a spot on the “scene tree” Fixed: “Sai’mon’s hints” sometimes hinted at the wrong order of events Fixed: “endless mode” in the third chapter now starts much later Fixed: Guardian’s task and essence only become available after Defiler’s essence
Main menu update (animation) UI: update check button
v0.29.2 Public Bug fixes
V0.29.1 Public
High priority:
Trash collection Minigame (trash collection) Splish-splash (Guardian essence) Stuck in wall animation 1 Medium priority:
Ursadon sprite Pregnant QoB sprite Low priority:
Bug fixes Added older scenes (update 28) to the gallery Some small improvements Let’s now talk about the changes in more detail.
Added: Mute buttons for music and SFX, it’s an obvious feature, perhaps you have to focus on something else for a moment, reply to a message, dragging bars is rather inconvenient, and we also found ourselves using these buttons a lot.
Added: Enter hotkey to confirm a choice. Also an obvious feature, but adding it late is better than never. This is also a minor improvement to help with Yes/No choice menus, pressing Enter will now be the same as choosing Yes.
Fixed: one of Sarah’s clones somehow survived and closely watched her during the Feeding 2 scene. It goes without saying how weird that looked... and where did these clones even come from...
Fixed: another clone broke free and stalked Sarah when she was satisfying the Zergling’s need. Is this a rebellion?
Fixed: no more fractions in translation progress — only integers, hardcore mode! I don’t think anyone cared about the precision of those numbers anyway, but now the menu will look better!
Fixed: hints now look better. Another change to make the menus look cleaner.
v0.28 Public High priority: Scene: Fatal climax Scene: QoB's hunger (Drone) Guardian quest: Stuck in pipe Scene: Bait Medium priority: Dialogue: Pregnancy (belly) Sprite: Pregnant Sarah (belly/boobs) Gallery: Added a music room (you can find it in the gallery) Added animations to Fap material scene Added animations to Bathday scene Low priority: UI updates (3rd chapter) Non-adult scenes added to the gallery (patron request) (not all of them, just the important ones, the big fight, Sarah's acceptance to the Swarm, etc). Added older scenes (update 27) to the gallery v0.27.1
High priority: Defiler route (2 scenes) Scene: Mistress and QoB confrontation Scene: Zergling essence Scene: QoB's hunger (Hydralisk) Scene: Feeding Lizzara level 0 (QoB) Medium priority:
Dialogue: Hydralisk's love of boobs Dialogue: Hydralisk after first meeting him Changed Hydralisk's sprites in the start Update checker UI updated Fixed: inability to reach the alt ending without the bonus code Fixed: the zergling's shadow sometimes disappearing during "Little shenanigans" Fixed: decreased amount of sperm in the hydralisk essence scene a bit (we were a bit too enthusiastic about it at first) Fixed: the first Confrontation scene no longer has the distracting HUD Fixed: during the "Food" event Stukov now comes on time (sorry, his clock was running late) Fixed: fixed some text inconsistencies in both Russian and English texts Fixed: Sarah wanted to sleep, but couldn't, but refused to do anything else (Sarah might be lazy sometimes, but now she's more responsive) Fixed: in the Tentacles level 2 scene the "to be continued" text was moved to level 3
v0.26 ***High priority*** Animated: Feeding scene (level 0) (secret item) Added: Hydralisk essence (2 scenes) Updated: zergling essence mini-game Added: Little shenanigans (scene) ***Medium priority*** Added: Gallery items (secret item) Animated: Gallery items (secret item) Added more Chinese translations (more than usual!) ***Low priority*** Added: endless mode Changed the notification system for when all the content has been seen Various bug fixes
**High priority:** Minigame: Zergling essence **Medium priority:** Scene: QoB's and Mistress's meeting Scene: Sarah's hunger (Drone sex) Scene: Hunger, kiss (Lizzara route) **Other:** Added ability to sort the gallery in different ways (we are open to your suggestions on other ways) Added a visual for Lizzara's hunger.
v0.24 High Priority: Scene: Feeding Lizzara (Sarah's route) (levels 0-1) Returning the favor: Spike/Inseminator (poll winner) System: Lust Selfcaster 2 (2 parts) Dialogues: Abathur, Stukov, Zergling, Guardian, Lizzara Added new updates to the gallery (visuals 23 update) (soon) Drew Lizzara's mouth in the bridge location Reworked the effects/music in Day 1 (leader fight) Medium Priority:
System: Chapter selection Changed the order of the triggers for chapter 3 of the game. (More changes are inbound due to the addition of new ystems) New visuals for chapter selection Other: Added more Chinese translations Bug fixes Changes to how changelog is displayed
v0.23.1 Bugfixes
Ver.0.23: High priority: Added scene: Hunger (Lizzara blow-job) level 0 Added scene: Lizzara's transformation (???) levels 0-1 Added scene: Hunger, kiss (Lizzara route) level 1 Event slight rework: Meet the leaders Medium priority: Dialogue after Tentacles level 3 scene Dialogue after Transformation (???) levels 0-1 with Sarah scene Added scene: Jerk-off week level 3 Low priority: Made changes to the save system, you will now see which saves were made in an older version of the game, and you will get a warning upon trying to load an old save, so you can't confuse them with normal saves now. Bugfixes The update turned out to be smaller than usual, but we squeezed everything out of ourselves to finish it in time as a gift for New Year's Eve. There is another important point: at the moment most of the innovations in the game (namely functions and systems) are not completed and are in the so-called WIP-mode. This is not the final version and it is possible that in the future, we will radically rework them, if necessary. Feel free to leave your comments on what to leave like it is now, and what to revise or modify - let's make SlutCraft better together! But at the end, let's take a moment and talk about what's important. This year was really not easy, one might even say difficult. Some may not have felt the change, but 2020 has been a challenge for most. Of course, we hope and believe that you are doing well and are not experiencing difficulties. And of course we would like to wish you all the best in the coming year, health, the most important thing in our time and to be strong. We sincerely thank you for all the support that you gave us during the 365 days of this year and see you in the next, new year, 2021. So many interesting things await us, and we look forward to sharing our thoughts with you. In the meantime, we wish you a good holiday. *Add a gif of a firework here (Arthur, remember to paste the pictures!)*
v.0.22 High priority:
Scene: Tentacles levels 2-3 Drone essence Sarah route (minigame) Lizzara's infestation Scene: Jerk-off week level 2 Scene: QoB's hunger zergling route level 0 Chinese translations for the first chapter Lust system Continuation of the story Medium priority:
Gallery rework Low priority:
Intro available in Russian Epilogue 1 available in Russian Checkpoint moved (according to gameplay chapters) Bug fixes About the additions:
Bonus code is finally here, partially for now, but we'll be working on that, there's a LOT of useful features planned for it. Let's get some important questions regarding it out of the way immediately:
The bonus code hasn't changed, and isn't about to, if you had it, you just have to find it (not the easiest task though, haha)! Maybe you had it since the time dinosaurs roamed the Earth... *ahem* well, if you can't find it or didn't have it, you can find it here: Bonus Code FAQ
You don't need to enter it over and over, only once per PC (if you launch the game on another device you will have to reenter it)
You can enter the code in the main menu, the button to start entering it is hard to miss.
By the way, this bonus code has somewhat of a funny history, we told it in the aforementioned post, and you might find it interesting.
Gallery system rework:
The new gallery is better and more convenient, but we always strive for perfection, so your suggestions on how to improve it are welcome. At least there won't be buggy arrows anymore... Oh god, the arrows...
In-game changelog:
You don't have to go to the forums or etcetera to see what and when was added anymore. Just click on the version number in the bottom left corner and read on! Only the current update changelog is currently available there, others are to be added soon. But this is only available via the bonus code too.
Many new systems aren't fully-featured yet, we have great plans which require great time to implement, test and fix, so we had to postpone some of them, but the wait will be worth it!
Endless chatter:
So much text, yadda-yadda-yadda, well, that's it enjoy the game! Well... not really, bear with us for a bit more ;)
Already downloading? Great! Even we can't wait to fully experience all the things we've been working on as a whole. But what we also can't wait for is your comments about this release. What did you like most, did you have any troubles with it, do you just want to chat? Be sure to comment, maybe even share your thoughts with friends, maybe they'll like our game! We hope you have a great experience!
And some other news, many of you might know about our "tradition" of an update on New Year's eve, we plan to uphold it this year too, although we don't have much time. But you'll hear more about that in the update 23 announcement post.
Finally, this is it. Thanks to all the patrons who support us and help us make our ideas a reality.
Always yours, Shadow Portal Team
Ver 0.21:
**High priority:**
Scene: Satisfying her needs (Mistress + Stukov) Scene: Selfcest level 0 (terran form) Event: Rebirth (Leaving the chrysalis) Scene: Hunger, Stukov's route, level 0 Event: Meeting Mistress, level 0 Event: Day 0 Scene: Sport is life level 5 Scene: Tentacles levels 0-1 **Medium priority:**
Dialogue: Talking to Lizzara Dialogue: Talking to Sai'mon Dialogue: Talking to Sochus Dialogue: Talking to Queen of Blades Dialogue: Talking to Abathur **Locations:**
New location: Throne room New location: Bridge New location: Leader's hideout **New characters:**
Queen of Blades Reborn Sarah New persona: Drone **Miscellaneous:**
Added descriptions to scene tree Interface fully translated into Russian Added Italian translations (60%) Added a new checkpoint (beginning of update 21) Fixed bugs. 20th update added to gallery:
Fixed: Event: Labyrinth, map added New level system New scene tree system (available in character menu)
19th update added to gallery: Abathur's inspection added Finale stage 3 added Last request added Jerk-off week added
Fixed/improved numerous scenes Translation improvements added New music added (during the content of 20th update)
Bugfixes 20.1 hotfix coming soon
Ver.0.19.1: Fix build for adroid Despite our efforts, there is still a lot of work to be done regarding some scenes. So remember that your comments and reviews can help us make them ideal. Don't hesitate to state your opinion, it can have a huge effect. Once again, thank you for patience! And now we're starting the next lap, the final finish lap is still so far away. We promise not to drink too much on the way!
So, what's been added or changed? Scene: Sport is life (levels 2 and 3) Scenes: Naked training sessions and training with equipment Scene: Let me play with you (zergling) (levels 0 and 1) More functionality for the zergling in Sarah's room Event: Naming the zergling Scene: Feeding 2 (level 2) Scene: Link to the Swarm, Sai'mon's route (levels 1, 2 and 3) A change to the Masturbation 0 scene - added Stukov's route Scene: Stuck in wall 2 (level 2) Bugfixes
Added new character, zergling. Added new event "Absolute perfection" Added new scene "Feeding 2" (levels 0,1) Added new scene "Play with me (punishment)" (levels 0,1) Added new scene "Bath day" (level 3) Added new scene "Stuck in wall 2" (levels 0,1)
Continuation of the main storyline; Masturbation scene; Kiss scene; An analysis scene; Continuation of Bath day event; Optional lulz; 'HIDE' button added to interface, it can be used to hide the dialogue window and look at the images without any obstructions (click on the screen to show the dialogue window again); Bug fixes.
So, what's been added or changed? Continuation of the main storyline; Continuation of side-stories; New character: Mistress; Bug fixes. We know we've released this update much later than we anticipated and promised, so we are planning to release the next update this September. Thank you for staying with us! We really value that!