Вы инженер на борту глубоководного космического корабля "Бесстрашный", который в настоящее время участвует в серии миссий по пополнению запасов для тех тонких аванпостов, которые человечество до сих пор смогло установить. Отдыхая от дежурства, вы оказываетесь спешно заказаны в качестве замены в последнюю минуту для травмированного члена экипажа на миссии по пополнению запасов научной станции на планете Ophion, которая испытывает ряд необычных событий…
Heavy Five - это история из десяти глав, выпущенных неполными главами с более чем десятком персонажей, миссией для завершения и серией тайн, доступных для изучения. Конечно самый большой вопрос в этой истории вы будете героем? Или вы в конечном итоге будете злодеем?
CH4 Story progression 3000+ renders in still images 30,000+ renders in over 200 animations (not looped animations either) 70,000+ words in the script
Chapter 3 Remastered: 2,048 still images; 79 animations made up of over 9,000 renders; Guns! Girls! Gadgets! Bewbs and even sex! (I know, right? In my game? But true!) Mysteries, new lore, new characters, one hell of a scene with Chris, combat, a multitude of paths and branches and of course some truly terrible jokes.
Chapter 2 Remastered:
It's now, following some tweaks, over 1,400 renders, twenty animations, 10,000 lines of code and I've lost track of the word count. Easily over 40,000. Playing time is coming out on average at around three hours for a single play through which, given there are no repeating loops or grind is not too shabby at all.
I should add that there are over 40 paths available to you in this release and so completionists may find themselves with a bit of a challenge... Paths will vary depending on gender, race, choices, discoveries etc etc and most of the playtesters have not yet found all the content. Some of which is hidden outside the game files.
Chapter 1 Remastered:
Guys, sorry for the silence, I swear remaking the Vanguard to Hi-Def damned near came close to killing me. However! It is done! And it looks...lovely. I'll do a full mission report on the past month or so in a separate post in a day or so but for now please enjoy.
It's four times the render size of the original (and at a smaller download size!) and now includes more paths, more game play, animations and.... ... the ability to choose your characters gender and skin colour, which my testers advise me makes for a very different game experience.
Version 1.1 of Chaper 3 released on 2019-07-14 More station content and introduced fighting mechanics.