Earth Girls-это сатира различных жанров, таких как: гарем, стат-строитель и знакомства с симами. Вы играете за студента, пытающегося ответить на один из Неуловимых вопросов жизни. Что делать с остальной частью моей жизни? НАСА уже давно вещает в космос в поисках других признаков жизни. Сегодня пришельцы отвечают.
Они также решили использовать землю в качестве поля битвы, чтобы урегулировать давний спор. Игрок выбирается, чтобы быть чемпионом Земли и конвертировать как можно больше женщин(гарем или иначе) на его стороне. Тот, кто имеет самый высокий балл женских преобразований выигрывает и получает контроль над землей. Вы создаете армию, как предлагает армия? Или попытаться спасти столько, сколько вы можете от захвата инопланетянами. Возможно, найти любовь по пути.?
*Martin & Davina scene. *Charlie, Davina, & Dean scene. *Game theme music added. *Revised Giles & Julia intros. *Made journal available at the start of the game. *Moved Charlie & Nicci intros to hallway interactions options. *Revised the day 1 Chemistry scene. *Revised Davina school office scene if player helped Britney. *Revised Britney locker quests to included player options to solve the riddles. *Revised player bedroom scene to think about Julia. *Revise bedroom scene to think about the Giles dream and the contest. *Revise gadget scene. *Added day 1 scene in which the Eternals review Chet's performance. *Created new library renders to address various issues. *Fixed menu alignment and bar size issues.
Changelog V0.09
*Sports scene that includes character interaction system.
*A long Locker room scene.
*A short hand job animation.
*Added a game mechanics and interface tutorial.
*Revised the Giles background info tutorial.
*Revised the Julia wakeup call scene.
*New main menu image.
*Recreated registration and club images.
*Recreated day one tennis images.
Changelog V0.08
*Martin & Giles contest update scene.
*Investigate the Dean scene.
*Abby & Michelle lesbian scene.
*Lincy remembrance scene.
*Lyra scene.
*Inventory system added.
*Character interaction system added.
*Photography class scene.
v.0.07 Changelog: *Recreated many of the renders to address Iray material issues and character mods. Day One: *Revised the Giles intro to provide info on the Eternal's and the reasons for their Earth invasion. *Revised the Julia wake up scene to better illustrate their relationship. *Revised the school greeting scene. *Revised Lincy's school hallway confrontation scene. *Revised the school registration scene. *Revised Julia school hallway scene. *Revised the Britney Chemistry check out scene to include new images as well as face and breast check out options. *Revised the Lincy English Lit check out scene and to use a new scroll image. *Revised the Britney Marketing check out scene and to use a new scroll image. *New lunch images for Lincy and Julia.
Day Two: *Rewrote and created new images for the Religion scene. *English Lit scene. *Marketing scene. *Compressed most of the images to reduce the game size to roughly half of the previous version.
Changelog V0.05 *Nicci 2 scenes. *Lincy 2 scenes. *Charlie 2 scenes. *Foreign exchange students 1 scene. *Martin 1 scene. *Extended day 1 Julia scenes to address feedback. *Edited the entire game text and made various revision to address feedback. *Studied how to improve my renders to address feedback. Please see the Charlie saber scene and the foreign exchange students(deduction skill >0) for examples of these improvements.
Changelog V0.04 *Aubrey 2 scenes. *Halia 1 scene. *Julia 5 scenes. *Abby 1 scene. *New Interface 1: Added icons to replace text for player stats. The icons stats are now part of a bar that can be displayed or hidden using the stat bar button. A description of each icon will appear when you place your mouse over the icon. This was very time consuming to implement. But does represent a large improvement in the appearance of the interface. I hope you'll like the new look. *New Interface 2: Transparent text box. Revised the text box mod to increase the size of the text. *Moved the close button on the journal in response to player feedback. *Revised the intro again to address feedback. *Rewrote various Britney scenes to address feedback. *Revised various content throughout the game to address feedback.
v0.03 *Expanded the intro tutorial to clarify various game elements. *Revised Julia's wakeup scene. *Recreated various renders of Abby to address skin textures. *Revised the Britney locker scene. *Revised English Literature scene. *Extended Calc fantasy scene with text & renders. *2 animations for the Calc fantasy scene. *Added quests to search for 2 missing items. *Art studio scene. *Locker hack scene. *School office scene. *Corrected the bug in the lunch date with Lincy. *Coffee scene. *Homework scene. *Revised player bedroom scene. *Revised Evermore scene with new text & renders.