Расположенный в мире магии и рыцарства, это история о вас (гоблин), взятых из вашего гнезда и используемых в эксперименте людьми. Судьба распорядилась так, что вы сбежали. Гоблины злобны по своей природе, вы планируете свою месть в тех, кто принимал участие в ваших пытках. Используя свои новообретенные способности, чтобы подняться в силе, чтобы стать лордом гоблинов! ((или если вам просто нравятся девушки, которых проглотили, тогда это тоже хорошо!)?
v0.9.1 - The secret event at Fort Silvershield can be now accessed (for real this time) (7~ scenes). - Fixed sprite graphical error on Krandall when talking about Eri's special attack. - Fixed syntax error on Gian's dialogue on the prisoner route when proceeding with the main story. - Fixed variable error on Choncey's dialogue on the prisoner route when proceeding with the main story. - Added dialogue to Elena concerning Sister Kairi after the 7th donation event is finished. - Added extra random dialogue roll in guardsman's barracks when listening in. - Removed some of the missing characters in the dialogues of Amy and Elena's latest lewd events (the small boxes at the end of chat box when they are talking).
- Continuation of donation events for Elena. 1 new lewd event (26 scenes) - Continuation of lewd event for Amy (16 scenes) - Progressed the main story. Added various paths and dialogue in the main story in proceeding to the climax of Eri's story. - Fixed Kairi going back to her normal dialogue tree when you donate to her when she is angry at you. - Fixed transaction dialogue with Vigo when buying construction supplies from him. - Added option to buy 3 of each construction supply into one transaction when trading with Vigo (with discount!) - Removed the messages in many of Elena's lewd events where it says it is the end of the event chain. - Added notifications on the end certain lewd event chains to notify the players if there are no more events. - Added dialogue for Shaman to tell you how many goblins you have in the ruined keep. - Added a fastforward option at the impregnation events for both Ryuna and Naru to avoid the looping bug. - Fixed continuity error at the Adventurer guild when listening in on the adventurers and then suddenly ending up at the general store. - Time now passes in one of Ryuna's sex scene with the Goblin Lord in the dungeons. - Added appropriate names to some places (like the tavern at Despot) - Added some new entries at the library about the Holy Order.
v0.8.1 - Added a new intro sequence once you start a new game - Added and tweaked various dialogue in the game to fit the new intro (particularly when talking about the Kingdom of Varentese)
v0.8 - Dungeons in Fort Silvershield added (with respective characters, dialogues, and background) - New characters added (Gian, Choncey, and Pit) - Renewed Elena's sprites (5 renewed + 5 more added) - New 1 lewd events for Elena (36 scenes in total) - New 1 lewd events for Amy (19 scenes in total) - Added 1 new sound effect - Fixed some typos - Minor tweaking to menu screens, scripts, etc.
- Naru's goblin scene in the ruined keep is fixed - Removed some typos in Kairi's dialogue when she gets angry at you. 0.7
- Fort Silvershield location added (along with appropriate background, dialogues, etc) - New character added - Renewed Eri's sprites - New 2 side story events for Elena (44 scenes in total) - New 1 lewd events for Naru with the goblins (7 scenes in total) - Added 1 new music - Added 3 more sound effects - Added objective dialogue makeup to Goblin Shaman - Made a universal port for android devices - Minor tweaking to menu screens, scripts, etc.
- Added new intro event for Naru when you take her for Public Service - Added new sprites for Naru for showing her as a love slave - Added and fixed Sophie's story (for real this time) - Fixed trigger for Amy's event and resized her scenes to correct resolution - Removed the "Add 200 gold" from the donation menu (no more printing money!) - Added new dialogue to Sister Kairi where she explains how to trigger Elena's event - Made the dialogue box more transparent to see the scenes even better - Added new lewd sound effects - And some minor tweaks and fixes here and there v0.6
- New custom UI look (New menu and dialogue box design) - Revamped inventory screen - Naru's Public Service event added (28 scenes in total) - Elena's side story broken down in 3 events for now (37 scenes in total) - Amy's side story broken down in 2 events for now (28 scenes in total) - Sophie's side story event (11 scenes in total) - New sprites for Ryuna for her Love Seal state - New sprites for Amy (Cleaner look) - New sprites for Sophie (Cleaner look) - Added 1 new song - Even more dialogue v0.5 Fixed
- Fixed the bug where Naru is in Ruined Keep dungeon even before you fight her. - Fixed Naru's breeding den scene - Fixed Ryuna skipping to birthing scene when she is sent to the breeding den for a second time v0.5
- Continued Naru's storyline at the Adventurer's guild - Added Naru's boss fight event (totaling in 19 scenes, plus 5 optional ones) - Added optional sidequest for dealing with Naru (new character introduced, 11 scenes overall) - Added lewd event for Naru when she is defeated (20 scenes) - Added lewd event for Naru when the Love Seal is performed on her (3 scenes) - Added lewd event for Naru with the Goblin Lord at the dungeons (8 scenes) - Added new menu tree for Ruined Keep upgrades (only 1 upgrade for now) - New items in the general store once you progress story - Added three separate impregnation events for Ryuna (totaling in 24 scenes): -- One event for when starting the breeding den scene -- One event for when you visit her midway before birthing scene is triggered -- One event for the actual birthing scene - Added three separate impregnation events for Naru (totaling in 24 scenes): -- One event for when starting the breeding den scene -- One event for when you visit her midway before birthing scene is triggered -- One event for the actual birthing scene - Added 4 new sounds (2 lewd, 1 sound effect, 1 background sound) - Replaced sprites for Naru - Added a ton of story dialogue - Some minor tweaks and fixes like fixing typos and proper labeling in the scripts v0.4.2
-Fixed a bug where the player will wake up in the dungeon quarters after sleeping in the Ruined Keep. -Fixed a bug where players can immediately enter Despot before completing the intro to the love seal. -"Pass the time" option in the Ruined Keep is now only made available AFTER meeting Elena in the Holy Palace for the first time. -Fixed a bug where players can perform the love seal ceremony at Ryuna's sex scene in the dungeon even without buying the Love seal tome first -Fixed missing nametags on certain dialogues v0.4.1
- Fixed the error with the no gold being added to inventory after performing public service of Ryuna. (Thanks to Dakuwa Shizen) - Added new menu screen Majority of the time spent in making this update was through the making story. I had to scrap and redo a lot of the dialogue and scenes. To make it easier, I'll be posting some polls in the future to make sure the stuff/fetishes/lewds you guys want is in the game. v0.4.0
-Added new map location: Despot (on the updated map) -New locations within Despot: Naughty Maiden Tavern -New locations within Despot: The Warrens (with its respective day and night phases) -Added new location in Malphina called the Adventurers guild -Added new character: Tavern Keeper Rigo with respective sprites and dialogue -Added new character: Bandit Hooke with respective sprites and dialogue -Added new character: Receptionist Sophie with respective sprites and dialogue -Added new items in general store (Love Seal Tome and Holy Order Pamphlet) -Added 1 non-sex lewd image set from pamphlet (composed of 5 scenes) -Added 1 sex lewd event "Public Service" from story (composed of 14 scenes) -Can earn significantly more money in new public service scene compared to doing paperwork -Progressed the story -Added new intros to all the new characters and places -Added new dialogue and dialogue menus -Added support for Android devices (Phone and tablet) -Fixed some typos in the dialogue (please message me if you guys see any more typos) -Tweaked the scripts a little (deleted some unnecessary lines of codes) v0.03
> Added day-night cycle > Added inventory system > Holy Palace of Malphina added > Dungeon quarters added > Story is continued > H-scenes for Ryuna at the ruined keep is moved after finishing your meeting with Elena >Added notes and lore at the desk in the dungeon quarters >Some minor changes in dialogue >Made the texts a little smaller so dialogue can fit better in the text box