В этой игре вы играете роль Джеймса, который заканчивает свой последний семестр в колледже и работает в кафе(неполный рабочий день). Его отец (Кевин) много работает за границей, оставляя свою расстроенную младшую жену(Натали) и своего сына Джеймса(главный герой) дома вместе, и они оба не ладили. Можете ли вы помочь Джеймсу спасти свои отношения с ней, чтобы она не выгнала Джеймса из дома, сопротивляясь искушениям, которые могут появиться в жизни?. А может, соблазнить мачеху?.?
v2.0 Ten brand new characters have been added to the game. Out of the ten, seven could potentially play a vital part in James's story, the choice is yours. A little spoiler!! James could also develop a feud with a character in this chapter that will decide whether James is a man or a mouse. There will be five brand new environments.
New background music added reflecting the mood of the situations and atmosphere at the time of the moments. Added a sound effect for when the main character has been caught (A sound heard in games before, but still reflects the moment too perfectly to change it to something else I feel). Fixes to the grammar - I have combed through the dialogue and have made changes where it was needed, as there was still a few errors I didn't quite notice. Including double exclamation marks! Added a different render when the girls are leaving for their night out to reflect Cheryl's mood. And three previous renders have been changed where James is eating his Pizza.
v1.01 Fixes:
Final fixes to the grammar
Plus previous fixes:
Removed all singular choice buttons. That were not having a significant impact on the story, e.g. ,"Go to College" and "Leave Room" etc.
Removed all pauses in the dialogue that required the player to left-click or press the space bar to continue the dialogue.