v0.4 - New features: game choices are now rollback-proof, corruption level shown in character descriptions, trait system will support upcoming story features, a new ranking app is introduced later in the chapter. Changes: sex scenes during first two days got extended a bit, slight cosmetic changes to some older scenes, refreshed sprites for several characters. Story progression: 7th day of Ryota's adventure (longest one so far, heavy on choices). v0.3 - New features: urination toggle (in Preferences), character badges (will be added gradually, as the story progresses), game over screen (triggered by certain in-game events). Changes: a lot of polished character sprites and decensored scenes. Story progression: 5th and 6th day of Ryota's adventure. v0.2 - New features: money mechanics, calendar, objectives, dynamically updated character descriptions, branching story (first decision triggering different sex scenes). Changes: Asuka's design. Story progression: 4th day of Ryota's adventure. v0.1 - Initial release, three full days of adventure in the new town (seven sex scenes, meeting many important characters, setting up the future story).