Твоя подруга детства Эйлин доверила тебе секрет: как проникнуть в психику людей. В следующий момент она исчезла на твоих глазах. Теперь никто вокруг вас не может вспомнить, что она когда-либо существовала ... или они? Имея очень мало знаний о том, что происходит, и в надежде спасти ее, вы пытаетесь следовать ее указаниям и собирать кусочки в уме ключевых людей, близких ей. Сможете ли вы вернуть Эйлин? Или вы закончите так же, как она?
2 new parts for Charlotte with 2 scenes and a total of 90 cgs 2 new paths for Laura with 2 scenes and a total of 57 cgs Added a couple of new backgrounds for Laura. Added Laura gallery along her sprite gallery in the extras. Added a couple of extras in the extra gallery, specifically character cards and chibis display. They are unlocked at the end of each route. A total of 143 images added and around 30 or so were remade..
Changed: I added some pages to the about tab in the main menu. The chibi thumb for extras was slightly changed.
Fixed: Some typos
Added: Android ports for the game.
Fixed: Some images were not displaying correctly. Some nametags weren't displaying for the right characters.
Changed: All images. ALL OF THEM are now in 1080p instead of 720p.
Added stats screen: Every time you need have to select a route, there will be an investigation log in the bottom left corner, that will show you the days that have gone since the beginning of the investigation and who you have spent time with. Later on, this button will be somewhere else, along the change name button during the routes. Extra gallery added.
2 new path for charlotte with 4 scenes and a total of 55 cgs 2 new paths for Julia with 4 scenes and a total of 55 cgs 2 new paths for Valerie with 4 new scenes and a total of 56 cgs
Added Laura's teaser. Added a couple of new backgrounds, still not in display. Added Extras in the gallery, to display, well, extra images. Added "Investigation Log" to keep track of your activities.
Changed: ALL sprites in the games were changed to add a grand total of 865 new sprite images. I shit you not. Changed some backgrounds, slightly. The size of the selection menu images in order to fit the new images.
Fixed: Bug where changing name didn't redirect you to the right screen Some typos
Added skip intro button: If you complete the intro once, if you restart the game, you can skip the intro right away. Change name button: You can change your name in the pick a route menu. Changing the name at the beginning will ask you if you truly want to keep whatever you input. Added:
1 new path for Charlotte with 2 scenes and a total of 26 cgs 2 new paths for Julia with 4 scenes and a total of 36 cgs 2 new paths for Valerie with 4 new scenes and a total of 36 cgs Changed: Some backgrounds, like Charlotte's psyche among others. I also added some images in already done paths as extras! Bug fixes: You can choose your name in the route selection screen at any time.
Demo 1.1
- For clarity, added text on top of choice menu, of whether or not it's a route or introduction. - Fixed a mistake with Laura intro showing twice. - Fixed Bug with Laura where ejecting out inside of her mind ended up with you in the hallway instead of the doorstep as intended. - Fixed choosing Valerie introduction tosed you into Valerie's route instead of the introduction screen without the conditions being met.