Это переосмысление Witch Trainer с совершенно новым сценарием и множеством добавленного контента. Вы играете за профессора Сандерса, новоназначенного учителя Защиты от темных искусств после битвы при Хогвартсе. Замок Хогвартса находится в тяжелом состоянии после нападения лорда Волан-де-Морта, и Гермионе Грейнджер, новоназначенной старшей девушке Гриффиндора, понадобится ваша помощь, чтобы убедить студентов Хогвартса пожертвовать свои деньги, чтобы помочь вернуть замок в былую славу.
v0.5 So what's in it? 2 main things have been added this time:
- Luna Lovegood has her own storyline now (10 story event, as per usual). It will start automatically between 1 and 7 days (depending on the day of the week) after you have had your last conversation with Carol. - The N.E.W.T. exams have been added. You can access this event from your blue book in your office after Hermione has reached a Lust level of 82 (when you can have anal sex with her). This event is part of the ending of the game, but as not the entire ending has been implemented yet you can go through the event as many times as you like right now without this event actually ending your game. When the rest of the ending has been added, you will only be able to go through this N.E.W.T. exam event (which will lead into the actual ending of the game) once of course.
* Added the first Slytherin character for you to summon to your office. Alice Selwyn has 10 conversations and a completed story arc in this version. She will come to your office on her own one day * Added a Gryffindor character for you to summon to your office. Wyn Prewett has 10 conversations and a completed story arc in this version. Go to the Great Hall after day 26 to discover how to unlock the ability to summon her to your office * You will now get an edition of the Sunday Prophet every Sunday morning. In this weekly Daily Prophet summary you can read about the latest news of the wizarding community There are 11 in total in this version (so after week 11 they stop coming) * Added 8 new Defence Against the Dark Arts classes for you to teach to your N.E.W.T. class * Changed the way in which the game handles those DAtDA classes. You will now teach one every single Monday afternoon instead of only on certain dates. This means that if you play on an old save file, you will have to go through the first 5 classes again but after that the new ones should start * Added a new location to the Hogwarts grounds: The White Tomb * Added dozens of new students throughout the school and the grounds to give the school a bit more life * Added 4 teachers for you to talk to: Slughorn, Firenze, Trelawney and Flitwick. More teachers will be added in the future. They all have unique sprites. Interactions are short and will be expanded upon in future updates * Added 4 house-elves to the Kitchens, including Kreacher and Winky * Added treasure chests throughout the whole castle that have a chance of respawning every day (These chests include the Potion Base and Flask items, but you still also get those for free when you go to brew a potion with Sophie. I plan to remove this 'cheat' in version 0.3 when I know for sure that the Potion Base and Flask items are not too difficult to get as you need a lot of them). I plan to eventually add surprise attacks by Peeves when opening chests, but I didn't have time to implement that yet. Instead you will just get a placeholder 'Peeves attacks' message when it is supposed to happen * Fixed some typos that were still in the game (such as the 'an potion' typo. I don't know how I missed that before) * Fixed some small clothing alignment issues * Fixed the Android version of the game incorrectly displaying the app's name as 'Hermione Restored' instead of 'Hogwarts Restored'
And finally, a small note about the Android version of the game. I don't know how widespread of an issue this will be, but I just thought I'd mention it. When I tried to install it on my phone to see if everything worked correctly, one of my APK installers had trouble installing the app. I tried two other ones and those installed it just fine. I'll try to look into why that first APK installer refused to install the app. But until I've found a solution, sorry for the inconvenience if your favourite APK installer won't install the app.