Long Road Home Это история о путешествии человека, который освобожден из физической тюрьмы, но все еще заключен в тюрьму в своем сознании событиями своего прошлого. Он пытается заполнить пустоту от потери жизни, которая была у него до того, как он был заключен в тюрьму. Его поиски бросают его на произвол судьбы двух воюющих байкерских клубов. Примет ли один из клубов семью, которую он потерял? Выполнит ли он задачи, чтобы получить признание в клубе?
610 still images 26 Animations/loops (4,000+ animation slides) 4,562 lines of code and text This is update patch 2 for the Ep. 10 Part 4 Beta (Nora security event) This update plugs right on to the existing Ep. 10 Part 4 Beta release so your saves should work and you will not have the replay the whole episode. This side plots in this event will continue to play out in Chapter two. **There is no new content if you are not on the Rachael path** You must be on the Rachael wife path, or girlfriend path to see new content. If you are not on the Rachael path, you will need to wait until the Leelee bike date event is complete. The Leelee bike date is smaller and less complex event. I’ll get it completed as fast as I can. I’m not giving a timeline on it until I know I can deliver.
v10 Part 4 Beta Update 1 Rin date stats, 444 still images 44 Animations/loops (3,000+ animation slides) 3,000+ lines of code and text
v10 Part 4 Beta Hotfix 09-01-2024 Corrected looping on the Angel (with pubic hair, no vaginal blood path). Also, another wrong image being displayed on the Angel path. Big thanks to Roger_Welco for catching these bugs. 08-28-2024 Corrected wrong images being displayed on the Angel "solo" path. Big thanks to Roger_Welco for catching that bug and wordsmithing some dialog at the Fox Box. Corrected more typos from Tbo and Ohhimfox 8-26-2024 Big thanks to Tbo and RGP studio for finding typos and sending them to me so I can correct them. Big thanks to Sancho for finding a loop if you are not on the Angel path. Big thanks to AetherAddict for finding numerous typos, transposed and missing words and sending them to me so I can correct them. Big thanks to Ohhimfox for finding a bug if you chose to not see Katy's virginal blood when you deflower her. Just drop the ep10p4.rpy file into you Long Road Home "game" folder and let it override the file. Note: To be sure to see the corrections, remove the ep10p4.rpyc file when you add the Hotfix. That file retains old information. Ren'Py will generate a new ep10p4.rpyc file when you start the game.
v10.1 Part 3 10 Part 3 stats, 1148 still images 84 Animations/loops (8,000+ animation slides) 12,000+ lines of code and text 4 Major story events 4 side events Overview, Willow has a big event with choices that could impact her and MC’s future. Larisa has a small event for her first-time dancing at the Fox Box. Angelica has a small event at the Fox Box. Rachael fans will rejoice. Our favorite ginger has a large event with choices that will impact other side stories. Stan will send MC on a run to pick up an envelope for him. That will put in motion a long multi-faceted event. MC meets an old friend from his time I the service. MC also will meet several new characters that will have side stories in Chapter two. It also will give you choices as to how the war with the Minions plays out. You may notice that the number of animations changed from the previous update. I pushed those scenes to Episode 10 part 4. I did that because I shifted the sequence of events in the main story.
v10.1 Part 2 863 still images 81 Animations/loops (3,000+ animation slides) 10,787 lines of code and text 1 Major story event 12 side events More music and sound effects.
v1.0 Part 1 1,274 still images 80 Animations/loops (3,000+ animation slides) 13,000 lines of code and text 2 Major story events 16 side events More music and sound effects. Take care, OBD
v0.9.1 Full Update
This is a Features/Script/Bugfix update to LRH 0.9.0
It enables the EZ-Mode option all the way through the game.
It adds music and sound effects all the way through the game.
It corrects some random non-critical script errors scattered throughout the game.
It corrects copious amount of labeling/typos/word salads/grammar errors.
It adds a DEV comment to let people know the story continues on the red path and prompts to save game in episode 3 when deciding how you will deal with JD.
Hopefully this will keep people from getting to the end of the blue path and think that's all of the content.
I didn't change any code that would break old saves, but just in case I've attached a clean save game that starts at the beginning of episode 9. That save has all the girls in play.
I attached a barebones WT, but it isn't needed with the in-game WT.
0.9.1 Episode stats,
1,186 Still images
94 Animations/loops (3,200+ images)
11,594 lines of text and code
Music and sound effects.
v0.9.0 0.9.0 Episode final stats,
1,186 Still images
94 Animations/loops (3,200+ images)
11,594 lines of text and code
More music and sound effects.
0.8.5 Episode notes
New for 0.8.5 Added EZ-Mode switch.
Allows you to toggle on/off the in-game walkthrough, scene skipping menus, and in-game developer comments. It is enabled by default. You can disable it in the Preferences Menu
Added more sound effects and music tracks. Fixed typos and coding errors.
Episode stats
720 Still images 37 Aminmations (1,490 animation images) 6,000+ lines of text and code 232 Sound effects and music tracks.
8 Major events
GUI and game changes
Changed fonts (Hopefully better visibilty in most scenes)
Added a "Hide text" button (Look for small grey "X" on far top right of the text box.) Pardon the humble brag, but I run the game on a large monitor and don't have any problem seeing the button. It may be too small to see on smaller screens or devices though. I may need to make the button bigger based on feedback from all of you.
I added a cheat menu at the end of a couple of the date events. The date events have two possible H scene endings. The cheat menu gives you the opportunity to see the other date ending.
*Sound Effects* (Check your music and sound sliders!)
I added more music and sound effects in the game. Honestly I'm not happy with most of them, but it is a time sucker searching for good sound effects. I'll search for better sounds and add them little by little.
I was going to hold off with sounds, but now that we have motorcycles in the game ya gotta to be able to hear them!
I'm pretty satified with the episode overall. As always it took longer than I hoped it would. I had quite a few events with family, pets and myself in the last few months.
v0.8.0 Episode stats
721 Still images
37 Aminations (1,490 animation images)
5,500+ lines of text and code
8 Major events
GUI and game changes
Changed fonts (Hopefully better visibility in most scenes)
Added a "Hide text" button (Look for small grey "X" on far top right of the text box.)
Pardon the humble brag, but I run the game on a large monitor and don't have any problem seeing the button. It may be too small to see on smaller screens or devices though. I may need to make the button bigger based on feedback from all of you.
I added a cheat menu at the end of a couple of the date events. The date events have two possible H scene endings. The cheat menu gives you the opportunity to see the other date ending.
*Sound Effects* (Check your music and sound sliders!)
I added some music a few sound effects in the game. Honestly, I'm not happy with all of them, but it is a time sucker searching for good sound effects. I'll search for better sounds and add them little by little. I was going to hold off with sounds, but now that we have motorcycles in the game ya gotta to be able to hear them!
I'm pretty satisfied with the episode overall. As always it took longer than I hoped it would. The final debug process took over a week with all the possible interactions with the girls in the game. Hopefully I got them all...
v0.7.1 I did a bug fix to correct continuation bug from ep6, loop error if you did not ask Kat for a date and corrected typos.
Episode 7 617 Still images 23 Animations 690 animation frames 4900 Lines of text and code Episode Highlights Reunion with Tracy. Yay! MC continues on his quest to join the Rogues. MC has opportunities to get help on his quest and gain background information of several NPC's and story events. That help and information depends on your choices and interactions with characters.
v0.6.0 Total still images 648. 32 Animations and loops. 960 Animation sildes. 5500+ lines of code and text.
Episode 0.5.1 contains, 729 Still images 35 Animations - 1,050 animation images 4,700+ Lines of code
v0.4.1 Bugfix It has the script fix to correct dialogues not tracking correctly and changes a couple of conversations that didn't align with choices from last episode. It also has the text editor removed from the RenPy folder that was bloating the game size.
v0.4.0 Old saves will not work. 1146 still images 25 Animations 750 animation images
v0.3.2 Long Road Home 0.3.2 Sound Hotfix and script bugfix. Attached is a hotfix to remove the sounds that are embedded in some for the video loops. With the sound embedded in the videos you can't turn them off or change the volume in-game. My bad... (No new content) No need to down load or install if not being able to control the the sounds doesn't bother you. Attached is a script bug fix to address a couple of miss-tagged scenes and wordsmith the grammar on a couple of lines of dialog. (No new content) Extract the files to your game folder and let them overwrite.
v0.3.0 - 833 Still images - 102 Animations/Loops - 3,060 Animation images -Crapton of text - Added colors to choice buttons to denote paths. Should eliminate the need for a walkthrough. - Blue = Good path - Red = Bad path - Added skip option for some events and scenes based on Patreon feedback. - Added sounds effects to a few scenes. (WIP) May add more sound effects in the future based on Patreon feedback. - Ended one path to simplify script.
v0.2.5 - Rewrite of Jessie's past - Correct hard code error that shows mc's default last name in places where it is not intended to be
v0.2.1 - 236 still renders - 10 Animations - 330 animation renders - Bugfix for typos - Most content is on Bad Boy path - Update is focused on Jessie's past - Two new characters - "Angie" Jessie's close freind and works at clothing store - "Brooke" Works at the local diner