Ядерная война между глобальными сверхдержавами оставила мир в руинах. Элита общества отступила в подполье в сеть современных убежищ для выживания, построенных и поддерживаемых таинственной теневой организацией, известной как "Духовенство". Вы берете на себя роль сына высокопоставленного члена, так как он неохотно унаследует роль командира и наблюдателя за работой одной из этих станций. Подвох? Они все женщины!
Aftermath - это визуальная игра-новелла из песочницы, которая включает в себя абсолютно нецензурные непристойные сцены. Эффективно управляйте своим временем, чтобы сбалансировать работу и улучшить отношения с каждым персонажем. Взаимодействуйте с персонажами посредством действий, диалога и событий, чтобы адаптировать и улучшить ваши отношения с ними. Какие статистика и персонажи вы выберете, чтобы сосредоточиться на полностью зависит от вас! Развлекайтесь!
Fixed an error with Zoe's gym scene (thanks to Sgt_Frederik) v1.3a
- 10 new events for Alex (technically 6 with 4 fail states) - 1 new event for Emma
- Emma cell spanking scene - Emma cell teasing scene
- You can now spy on every character using the computer on your desk (more will be done with this later) - Added a more permanent stat based fitness system in place of the old one - Added some more renders to show the player's actions when exploring the library
- Replaced the hallway images with renders so events can now take place outside of rooms (although not final) - Attempted to further streamline the navigation in response to feedback - Replaced the replicator machine's interface with an improved version - Replaced more early game renders with improved versions (more are still planned) - Added some unique renders to Emma's first event - Fixed a couple of spelling and grammar errors from previous versions v1.2a
Note: The game is currently in the process of being reworked so there are a number of half completed additions present in this version, some visible others not. I'm putting this out now because the changes I wanted to make to the game are taking longer than I thought they would. That and I feel the events I've completed so far tie together nicely...
- CONTENT WARNING: Gratuitous close up shots of uncensored hand-holding...
- 3 new events for Zoe - 3 new events for Gracie
- Gracie cell spanking scene - Gracie cell teasing scene - Zoe tit play scene - Making out with Gracie in your bed is now repeatable
- Zoe now hangs out in the library - Zoe now works out in the gym once her outfit is purchased - Zoe now takes showers
- You can now talk to every character in each room and they'll respond with one of 3 random statements - Every character's weekly schedule is now on their profile sheet in the player's office - Implemented a "map" quick travel menu into the HUD - Removed all stat requirements for interacting with characters in response to complaints about grinding - Reduced the cost of replicating outfits to 200 credits in response to complaints about grinding - The stats screen is now a screen instead of a pop-up (although it isn't currently used for anything) - Added a number of improved renders to show the player's actions in every room
- Compressed the majority of assets in response to complaints about the file size - Replaced a number of renders from early in the game with improved versions (although more are planned) - Changed the kissing scenes to be slightly more "tasteful" - Fixed a couple of spelling and grammar errors here and there - Added transitions between rooms v1.1b
- Minor bug fixes (Huge thanks to masterdragonson for help finding these...)
- Fixed a logic error handling credits during a couple of events - Fixed a control flow issue with one of Emma's library actions - Removed a couple of redundant place holder actions
- Fixed the issue with the HUD not displaying after leaving the dungeon - Fixed a minor continuity error in Eva's dialogue during the cell scene - Some menu items are now hidden when they're locked to prevent spoilers v1.1a
- 2 new events for Gracie - 5 new events for Emma - 3 new events for Eva
- Zoe office make out scene now repeatable - Gracie office handjob scene - Gracie body inspection scene - Emma shower handjob scene - Eva cell spanking scene - Eva body inspection scene
- Added a dungeon floor
- Fixed a bug with Zoe's evening sprite - Fixed a couple of minor spelling errors in the intro - Fixed a couple of minor animation issues in Zoe's events v1.0b
- Fixed a bug that locked two of Gracie's events - Fixed the crash caused by calling Eva to your office after her first event - Listened to feedback and altered the navigation to make it more intuitive (Back arrows now actually take you back) - Listened to feedback and labeled the important rooms to make finding them easier - Listened to feedback and removed two redundant stats. Leaving only hygiene and hunger - To keep the pace rolling over into night now automatically puts the player to sleep instead of jumping to their room - Added a mac version v1.0 Alpha