Оставив свою жизнь в лесу ради возможностей большого города, молодая Виксен понятия не имеет, что она будет втянута в игру религии, политики и много спермы.
v1.0 - Final version. - Guild jobs added. - Several new endings added, some bad, some better, one best. - Fixed small bugs. v0.4 - Boob normies rejoice, I had to vanillify Vixens attributes and make her boring because her pretty rack wreaked havoc with some new outfits. Clipping and stretching (of textures!) aren't that nice to look at. - Stat and currency interface. - A (very) crude journal and quest tracker. - The Milkmaids Guild is open for applicants. - The Harlots Guild is open for business and work. - 7 new characters to meet and interact with. - Fixed some bugs and misplaced pictures. - A couple of locations and characters have been cut or changed to fit with the new plan. v0.2 First public release.