Алхимия - это визуальный роман для взрослых, который происходит в фантастическом мире. Вы берете на себя роль главного героя, маленького мальчика, который вскоре вступает в эзотерический мир алхимии под мудрой опекой своего опекуна, кашляющего помещицей. Исследуй шумный, процветающий город и его окрестности. Общайтесь с жителями земли, открывая для себя любовь, приключения, старые раны, похоть, предательство, а может быть, и что-то совсем другое на этом пути. Нитки судьбы могут прийти, чтобы отдохнуть в ваших руках. Будете ли вы формировать их будущее к лучшему или к худшему?
### Added - Ability to choose tavern minigame difficulty - Backgrounds: - Abandoned area (sketch) - Market alley (sketch) - Coins - Community links - Icons to some tooltips - Interactable characters: - Elys - Myrynda - Scott - Interactables in the living room - New items: - Alcohol - Coffee beans - Cream liqueur - Sugar - New type of sound for items - Night background variant to Elys' house - Plaza shop - Scenes: - Roxanne service - Second bath with Myrynda - Sex with Elys - Warning when trying to load saves from a different version of the game ### Changed - Backgrounds: - Living room (day and night) - Plaza (day) - Tavern exterior (day and night) - Elys prologue shop images - Introduction message - Ren'Py version to 7.4.2 - When free roaming, music now resumes from where it stopped instead of starting from the beginning ### Fixed - Text window transitions
If you are curious to know what has been added and/or changed, there's a changelog in the file named README.md, which is inside the game's folder. Be careful though: it may contain spoilers. Disclaimers Some items are missing their description. This will be addressed in the next release. In this release you will automagically learn all the needed recipes. This will change in the future. Here's the list of the recipes you'll need to progress in this update: Transformation base 1x Blood 1x Draught of life 1x Milk Potion of breast growth 2x Melon 1x Transformation base In the future you'll have access to a list of all the recipes you know, so don't worry, you won't have to memorize them or write them down.
To obtain the ingredients for the previously shown recipes, you'll have to forage in the forest. You can do that once per day. Don't worry about how you are able to forage blood or milk from a forest, it's a temporary workaround: in the future, you'll have access to shops that sell those kind of wares or a way obtain them in a more sensible manner.
Some backgrounds don't have a night variant, so they will look the same during the day and during the night. You can tell in which part of the day you are by the music that is playing in certain places and by the background of certain locations.