В Harshville ты играешь как молодой, неквалифицированный рабочий, пытающийся выжить в непрощающем городе. Заработная плата низкая, арендная плата высокая, а те, у кого есть власть, постоянно злоупотребляют ею. Дела идут настолько плохо, что многие предпочитают продать себя в рабство, чтобы гарантировать себе следующий обед. Впадешь ли ты в скучное подневольное состояние, или будешь процветать достаточно долго, чтобы купить себе рабов? Это все возможно в Harshville.
v1.5 Not a huge update. 1 new scene in the massage parlor.
Harshville Version 1.4 Hey everyone!
This version fleshes out the Public Square with a brand new ending. You may have noticed a new item in 1.3 called the Sketchy Stimulant, which was basically a cheap version of the regular stim you can buy. I've added a certain mechanic to it which I won't spoil, but basically if you use it enough it'll open up a new layer of gameplay. Failing at this essentially is what gives you the Pillory/Public Square ending.
The new ending lasts 3 days and 2 nights at maximum, just depending on how much you've eaten beforehand. It's also is different depending on whether you've done the Chloe content or not. If you want me to tell you exactly how to reach this content shoot me a message.
There are also some bug fixes in this patch, so a new playthrough should be smoother and less janky in general.
2020-07-13 v1.3 Buy your own apartment if you've got the money and reputation to do so, and be free from Shireen! Right now you can sleep there and wash yourself, but I still haven't integrated the slave mechanics into it yet. You'll find it in the right wing of the apartment complex, whose entrance is on the other side of the restaurant.
The property management center is that rusty looking warehouse in town that finally has a door. It also doubles as a shady drug dealer den, which brings one of two new items to the game.
Item 1) Shady Stimulant. I won't spoil what it does
Item 2) Cocktail. This is an expensive drink that actually raises your reputation, so you can finally be an uptown snob!
You can find the cocktail in the other new area, the second floor of the New Ark building. This floor has the sky bar (where you can buy the cocktail) as well as the Bitrocket office where Sue works. The scene with Sue has a few variations depending on how much money you have and if she knows you or not, what you say to her, etc.
1.1.6 Hey everyone!
Whew, I finally have a build for 1.1.6 that I’m happy with. While there’s still a bunch of little things I want to add or expand on, that will always be true and I have to release at some point.
This update adds Shireen as a potential buyer at the auction, but more importantly adds content for when she actually buys you. Being Shireen’s slave is quite a different experience to being Jan’s slave. I’m sure some of you will like one style more than the other, but hopefully like both.
I thought about having a cookie-cutter type of slavery just with different characters but thought that would be boring and unauthentic to the characters buying you, so enjoy this Shireen-specific version of slavery!
Like I mentioned above, I don’t really consider this content with Shireen finished, or Jan’s for that matter. So I think what I’ll do is periodically sprinkle some new content in secretly for you guys to stumble upon in the future, as well as include bigger expansions for them into the Creator Poll rotation. I think it’s important for existing content to have some representation in the Creator Polls so I can better gauge how many of you want more “depth” rather than more “reach”.