Описание Two Horns - Living In the Town With Ogres
Действие происходит в местном городе "Oniga-town" Существует легенда, что людоеды живут в этом городе с древних времен. Там ты встретил девушку с двумя рогами на голове. Она вручает таинственную "дубинку" и просит ее использовать ее, чтобы поймать свою сестру.
Самая большая особенность - это "Anyting Goes"! Подготовьте основные сценарии и множество различных подзапросов. Вы можете атаковать не только главных героев, но и NPC, гуляющих по городу. Бегать голышом, пробираться в женскую ванну и туалет, наряжать попавшую в ловушку девушку. Откройте для себя стиль игры самостоятельно.
v0.0.11 What's new: - Added new costumes and hair styles - Added a coffee shop and new Sub Quest - Added some Random Events - Character editor for $10 patrons
Next: - New SEX animation - Add new Main Quests
v0.0.10 What's new: - Added a new sex animation - Added character voices - Fix crash bugs
Known issues: - Character voices are still a work in progress and will be improved. - Some clothes does not show in sex scene.
Next: I'm thinking of adding the following elements. - Add new costumes and places - New Sub Quests - Character editor for $10 patrons I'll keep on trying!
v0.0.8 What's new: - Password authentication is now available to prevent leaks. - Add new sex animation - Add main quest - Some English improvements - Add some costumes
Known issues: - some clothes does not show in sex scene I sent the Password via message. If you did not receive the message or unable to sign-in, please contact me. (I'm a beginner on the server system, so there may be a glitch...)
Next: I am planning on special items as rewards for each tier. For example, portable save points, change sex positions freely, and so on.
v0.0.7 - Added new Sub Quest! - Fixed Android resolution problem - Fixed Menu UI - Added "Reset Sub Quest Progress"
You can play new quest "Unplanned Bank Robbery". It starts in front of the Central Bank after you helped Suspicious Seller in main quest.
You can reset the progress of the sub quest in Pink Cafe Art's office. If the quest stuck caused by bug, please try to reset the progress. I going to start making new sex animation tomorrow (^3^)
v0.0.6 - Fixed the quest does not progress bug - Added SP When you will go to sex scene, you need 1SP. It recovers over time. - Added Level Up When you get pink balls, you will level up and increase HP and SP. - Added some new hairstyles