Только что окончив колледж и устроившись на первую работу, настало время для МК найти жилье. Однако переезд из небольшого родного города в город для работы - это смещение парадигмы от почти мужского колледжа и начальных школ, в которых он учился. Самая большая проблема, которую он находит, это просто найти жилье. В городе не так уж много свободных мест для аренды. К счастью, он нашел комнату для аренды...
Update #2 (Release Date: April 16, 2021): * Changes in the work/money system to reduce grind and eliminate the need for cheats. * Changes to the phone-hint system, including the ability to turn off hints for specific characters you don't want hints for. * 32 new scenes/events (more may be added when Update #2 Official is out). * 5 new NSFW scenes. * Official support for ANDROID/Touchscreen platforms. * Introduction of a couple more locations, which will be accessible in Update #3.
Update #1 Official (Release Date: February 5, 2021): * 15 added scenes with "main characters," Sophia, Julia, and Alex. * 2 new named characters (both female). * 1 new unnamed character (female) who makes a quick appearance. * NSFW scene available for all "main characters" and one new character. * Basic sandbox mode, allowing players to follow love interests to their own desires. * Gameplay functions and features, including a location tracker, quick time-forwarding, and more. * Phone and Laptop features like tracking score, hints, making money, reliving old memories, and "playing" other F95 VNs. * Apartment 96 Player's Guide included with the download. We highly suggest reading it. * Dialogue and scene changes to the Prologue for continuity. * A bunch of new music tracks. * A few other things...