Игра начинается, когда родители нашего главного героя, Стива, оставляют его и его подругу Дженни одних дома, чтобы отправиться в двухнедельный отпуск. Родители Дженни умерли, когда она была маленькой, поэтому отец Стива, Сэм, решил взять ее к себе. Когда они ушли, они дали ей задание присматривать за нашим МК. Это не заняло много времени, чтобы все стало интересным между ними.
v1.0.4 adds day seven and finishes Steve's perspective - 10.000 words of story - 280+ new images - 1 hour of playtime - Achievements
v0.6.1 Day 1-6 rework - includes some added/rewritten scenes - 8 new Renders - 32 new unique Animations - adds a replay gallery - adds a pre-game settings screen - adds a Ceat Mode Walkthrough - adds a new Main Menu background - better sex scenes
v0.6.0 adds day six - 15 new animations - 226 new renders ~ 11.000 words of story ~ 1.5 hours of playtime
v0.5.2 Day 1 and 2 rework - 13 new animations - about 200 replaced images - changes in the wording of some scenes
v0.5.1-MusicUpdate adds 29 new Music-Tracks to the game It includes a unique soundtrack for each Route inside the Game
v0.5.0 adds day five 330 new renders ~ 21.000 words 14 Animations ~ 2 additional hours of playtime
v0.4.1 fix of game altering bug (Lena Rout)
v.0.4.0 adds day four 140 new renders ~ 8.000 words of story
v.0.3.3 - Fixes the error message you get after telling Jenny your relation is purely fun on day two (No image compression; initial quality)
v.0.3.2 - Fixed Problems with renaming your characters (high compression rate; bad image quality)
v.0.3.1 - Fixed the bug that you can't go to Lena on day three after school is over (high compression rate; bad image quality)
v.0.3.0 adds day three 240 new renders ~15.000 words of story (high compression rate; bad image quality)
v.0.2.0 adds day two 165 new renders ~ 13.000 words of story
- going full blackmail on day one is now possible - added a Cheat Mode to play the game like a harem game - included five in-game walkthroughs - added a romantic rout for Jenny
v.0.1.1 rework of day one 197 new renders ~ 10.000 words of story
- expanded the time at school - added 5 new characters (Daniel, Lena, Izzy, Chloe, Natalie) - there is now the option to change the names of people before the game begins