Ты молодой человек, который жил простой жизнью со своим лучшим другом, пока с тобой и с ней не случилась трагедия! А теперь вы оказываетесь втянутыми в Божественную войну в другом мире с людьми, чтобы ваше желание исполнилось! Что случится с вами во время этого эпического приключения? Разгадаете ли вы тайны этого нового мира и отправитесь в путь ? Или вы впадете в отчаяние? Только время и твой выбор расскажет !
Update 13 (2024-07-05) - Addition of the first Part of Episode 24 - Finalization of the setup of the Palace Mode - Rework of Kina's "scene" in the Palace Mode - Replacements of all the songs in the game to copyright free ones - Modification of the Main Menu background and Main Menu Theme song - Proofreading of the script
Update 12 (2024-03-14) - Addition of the Sixth Floor of Episode 23 - Modifications added to the Gallery system - Closure of the Parallax Tower Arc for the moment - Added the word "genesis" as a bypass answer for every quiz in the game
- Addition of the Fifth Floor of Episode 23 - Added a new Main Menu music - Added The Palace Mode (Still a WIP) - Added left and right ear Sound Effect cues for the fight in the Third Floor of Episode 23 - Added the word "genesis" as a bypass answer for every quiz in the game - Modifications added to the Gallery system
Reworked the fights of Chapter 1, Added Luna's Adventures small Episodes and Added Episode 21.
Update 4 (2021-01-22) : - Added Episode 12 (Two distinct path with Normal Path and Dark Path) - Proofread Episode 12 - Added Three (Bad) Endings - Added a Gallery System - Added Patreon and Discord Button with links on main menu - Added the Book "Legends of Solensis" Button on main menu (10 € + Patrons names)
Update 3 (2020-12-18) : - Added Episode 7, 8 and 9 - Proofread All Episodes - Added One Optional Sex Encounter with the Queen of the Void - Added One (Bad) Ending - Added a Dark Path in the game
Update 2 (2020-11-19) : - Added Episode 6 : The Zodiac Reunion - Proofread Episodes 3 and 4 - Added One Optional Sex Encounter with the Queen of the Void with two paths - Changed the name from Chapters to Episodes for better comprehension
Update 1 (2020-11-13) : - Graphic Overhaul from Genesis 0.1 - Deleted Rape Scene from Chapter 2 and changed it to a Death Scene. - Added Episodes 3, 4 and 5. - Proofread Prologue and Episodes 1 and 2 - Added Two Sex Encounters (1 For the Story/1 Optional) - Sex Scenes with the Queen of the Void - Optional Sex scenes with the Black Knight - Five (Bad) Endings added - Added Fight against Faust