Вы, наверное, никогда раньше не играли в подобную игру Ренпи! Это частично тренер и частично пошаговая стратегия - все установлено в моей Анаксверс. Как вы знаете, я построил эту огромную вселенную здесь, в сообществе, на протяжении многих лет, и теперь вы можете испытать ее совершенно по-новому. Это НЕ римейк Slugs and Bugs: Invasion, и это НЕ интерактивный роман, как многие из моих других проектов. Если вы устали от одних и тех же повседневных игр для взрослых с практически одинаковыми моделями, историями и клише - тогда я приглашаю вас попробовать что-нибудь свежее, уникальное и темное.
v0.8.7 - 2023.10.25 - First release for Android OS - Added Amelia Williams and her entire content/conversion - Added Aggressive Absinthe Commissioned Bad End - Added Dark Deadly Duo Bad End - Added Extra Evelyn Evil Bad End - Added Station Indoctrination Bad End - Added Tricksy Trixie Commissioned Bad End - Added some End of Week conversations, last release will have more. - Updated Barracks Screen for upgrade systems coming in the next/final release. - FINAL EVER SB:C Commissions ($250) opened 5/8 sold, so 3 left to buy. Last chance. - New Game Recommended
v0.7.1 - 2023.04.21 - Added Rose Riley and her entire content/conversion - Added Bitten Battle Commissioned Bad End - Added Brood Birther Commissioned Bad End - Completely remade and animated all Battle Phase Units. - Overhauled Battle Phase and Unit Production (Hybrids Added) - Alora Units are generated based on the Transformation Level of bred woman. - Remember Commissions ($250) can be purchased now. - New Game Recommended
v0.5.2 - 2022.10.27 - Added Chieko Naru and her entire content/conversion - Added new Bad End menu to the Memory Chamber - Added new commissioned Bad End, "Creepy Crawler" - Commissions ($250) now open for SB:C as I do with my novels - New Game Required (We think this will be the last time for this)
v0.4.0 - 2022.05.16 - Added Trixie Goodwin and her entire content/conversion - Added new Bad End menu to the Memory Chamber - Added new commissioned Bad End, "Riding Shotgun" - Commissions ($250) now open for SB:C as I do with my novels
v0.3.0 - 2022.02.05 - Added Absinthe Van Gothen and her entire content/conversion - New Game Required (We think this will be the last time for this)
v0.2.2 - 2021.10.15 - Added Evelyn Addams and her entire content/conversion - Added the ability to speed up or decrease the "conversion" amount in Trainer Phase - New Game Required
v0.1.1 - 2021.06.18 - Patch - Added the Battle Phase - Added stats for both Infectulonian and Humans - Added selection to "Preferences Menu" to allow users to speed up or slow down battle animations - Added ability to select "No" on first "End Turn" if the user wishes to completely forego the Battle Phase and play only Trainer Content
v0.0.5 - 2021.04.16 - Patch - Added the rest of Justine's transformations - Added access to the Harem Chamber and sex scenes once she is fully converted. (Current End of Content)
v0.0.2 - 2020.11.2 - Patch - Fixed most if not all crashes PC users were reporting. - Added a message to inform when the player would have reached Justine's 3rd transformation (Current End of Content)
v 0.0.1 - 2020.10.30 - Initial release - Alpha Release - Justine "Normal" (N), Justine "Broken" (T1), Justine "Corrupted" (T2) playable. - Also a VERY basic fight system. Graphics and tweaks coming.d" (T2) playable.