Боевые рабыни - это сексуальный пошаговый файтинг с онлайн-сражениями. Вы можете использовать "Поиск рабынь" для сбора новых рабынь. Повышайте уровень своих рабов, выбирайте союзников и пассивов, чтобы найти лучшую стратегию. - собери их всех -
v0.6 - New interface for Story (New challenge + new story & special room with NSFW pics ) - New interface for FIGHT - Full story with new NSFW for Amyco. - Add Exam room for Lulu - New Passif (Extra life - Revive with 1 HP) - Endless mode - add 2 stages - add new music - change Androida 250 max to 300 max damage. - Stella attack is lower - New pics for witch's transformation - Fix bugs Enemy without passif - Mino can be play from the start (Is unlocked) - Unlock slaves are faster just buy it for 200 diams. - Add Memory room for Stella - First code : STARTCODE
v0.5 - New Character : The Witch - Special : Turn enemy into stuffed animal. (for Fan) - Story 1/3 - Adjust the stats of all characters according to the following formula: WATER = DEF, FIRE = ATTACK, and WATER = LIFE. - Ranking : Rubies can be earn until ranking 3000 - Fix negatif ruby with level up. - Amy Ajust Super attack 50% to 60% ( and fix bugs Super with nude mode) - Def passif : 30% to 20% - Maximum level 22 to 23 - You can level up by 5 - Ajustement Mino can break bone and strenght / 2 - New codes - Add button retry avec search slaves - Plan for add more nsfw and animations
v0.41 - Fix lot of bugs - Amy Nude auto-unlock when you are level 21 - Add Story and NSFW Pics for story Amy (Unlock at round 35) - Level 21 and 22 are unlocked with Ruby - Add Quests for win ruby reward
v0.40 - Passif is Open - Add 4 Passif ( +30% Life, + 20% Damage,... ) - New Gui Character - Add Story Pics for Lulu & Androida - Add Gallery - Exp change to x3 - add 2 backgrounds
v0.21 - Enemy can call Ally - Add Character Hilda - Demonia has fire damage by round - Mino Can Stun - New Arena - 3 gift Codes for Patreon
v0.20 - Enemy have elements Degat - Enemy have Special attack - New Update interface - Update Invocation - New Character (Hilda) - Ally can be selected and do special - Mino can be play - Lulu is only for Patreon - You can select Ally at level 5 - New Arena
v0.19 - Stella ! - Rebuild all of codes for android version - Code Patreon - You can level up - New Bar life - Add 20% damage categories ( Fire - earth - water ) - Add music - Fix
v0.16 - 2 Slaves can be play - One mode - Story ( No save, Invocation, level up ) I'm Working on sound, special attack, invocation,more mechanism... Tell me your idea and feeling Next update next month ( with more characters ^^ )