Играйте за студента колледжа, который теперь должен жить со своей новой сводной сестрой. Вам решать, будут ли ваши отношения перерастать в нечто большее, чем отношения между братом и сестрой, и как это произойдет. Познакомьтесь с множеством разных персонажей и примите участие в их истории!
v0.11 - 12/19/2021 Day 10 is finished! v0.10 - 10/31/2021 Day 10 added into the game Happy Halloween!
v0.9 - 10/12/2021 Day 9 added into the game
v0.8 - 9/5/2021 Day 8 added into the game. Interface overhaul v0.7 - 4/25/2021 Day 7 added into the game. Fixed the save incompatibility.
v0.6 - 4/12/2021 Day 6 added into the game.
v0.5 - 3/28/2021 Day 5 added into the game. Day 1 text was greatly edited. Added blinking animation for scenes. v0.4 Day 4 added into the game. Fixed some typos. Added blinking animation. Fixed the icon issue. v0.3 Day 3 added into the game. Fixed some dialogues. All characters were redesigned. The game is now available for Android devices as well. Changed name input screen and supporters screen. v0.2a Day 2 added into the game. Fixed some scenes and dialogues of Day 1. The game is now available for Mac devices as well. v0.1a Release