В то время как молодой человек ищет способы заработать деньги, он знакомится с новыми интересными людьми и постигает неизвестные формы отношений дома.
v0.4.3 5 New events [270 pic + 12 animations] Eve route ev Kira route ev
v0.4.2 3 New events [180 pic + 6 animations] Eve route ev
v0.4.1 Most of the known bugs have been fixed. The gallery now has all the new events
v0.4 4 New events [200 pic + 8 animations] Eve route ev Kira route ev
v0.3 3 New events [160 pic + 6 animations] Eve route ev Kira route ev
v0.2.9 3 New events [200 pic + 8 animations]
v0.2.6 Rw Sandbox removed English translation rework No new events v0.2.5 3 New events [180 pic + 4 animations] v0.2 Release Starting a storyline with a teacher [200 pic + animations] Starting a storyline with a school friend [100 pic ] Small events with other characters [40 pic + animations] v0.1 Release