Лепесток среди шипов ставит вопрос о том, можете ли вы наслаждаться запретным плодом, не становясь жертвой последствий того, что общество считает табу. Вы мужчина средних лет, проводящий зимнее уединение с молодой женщиной по имени Лепесток после вашего неудачного комедийного тура. Расслабляющий отдых вскоре подарит вам новые чувства вожделения к вашему спутнику. По мере того как вы постепенно поддаетесь искушению, вы начинаете бояться последствий, которые могут возникнуть в результате этой новой динамики отношений, которую вы строите со своим другом. Лепесток среди шипов-это ролевая игра, в которой вы можете выбрать название для себя и своего друга. Вам будет представлен выбор, который изменит ваш путь на протяжении всего вашего опыта.
6.0.1-RE Here it is! The remastered version of A Petal Among Thorns. Petal's face has been redone so that the shape is less boxy and her eyes are more normal. I've also recompiled all the animations so they look much better. There's a little extra something on the main page that is easy to find too.
Final Hey fans! I've got the final release of A Petal Among Thorns for download at the bottom of this post. I appreciate all of your support. It's only because of you guys that I could afford to dedicate all my time to these novels. Thank you!
In lieu of a progress report, I'm going to have this post here. I've started some of scaffolding of A Moment of Bliss. I've created two new characters, built the intro, and today I'm going to work on building the main house. There's a lot to do, but I'd love to have a release out at the end of April or beginning of May. I'll certainly keep you guys updated on the progress, and throw some screenshots your way as I have some.
I am going to try to manage some interactive elements in this sequel. There will be clickable objects in scenes and a phone mechanic. However, it won't be a sandbox. Petal will be a major character. So far there are four love interests. You'll get to know Rose and Bliss more intimately, and there's a fourth girl you'll meet outside of home. Currently, the phone mechanic is planned to heavily involve Suzi. Suzi is the artificial intelligence that you would have met in Penny's game if you played it. If not, don't worry! I'll introduce you to her in A Moment of Bliss. All this is concept. Any of these features and ideas can change depending on how progress ebbs and flows.
Please enjoy the final build of A Petal Among Thorns. Again, thank you all for your support.
Fourth Release
Included is Chapter 4. More details can be found on Lockheart's itch.io devlog.
Third Release
Included is Chapter 3. Petal and MC progress their sexual relationship and learn more about Chuck's tragic past.
Second release.
This includes Chapter 2. Petal finds herself desiring more sexual attention. Can the MC resist her or will he give in? (Hint: He gives in.)