Прошлое молодой женщины заставило ее собрать группу изгоев и неудачников: бандита Страха, рабыню Мару, мага Угнора, вора Шепота и наемника Эламира. С мечом и щитом они грабят караваны, направляющиеся в портовые города, и плащом и кинжалом замышляют свержение правителей провинции. Является ли древнее оружие, которое она ищет, благословением или проклятием? Что она готова сделать для достижения своих целей?
Chapter 2 2022-01-09 CorruptingCarrot Contains chapter 2 Special thanks to Joe Steel for proofreading and betatesting the chapter Some bugfixes
Patch Chapter 1 2022-01-09 Belligerent Banana: Bugfixes Battle Tutorial Map system Reworked raid system (interal) General quality of life improvements
Known issues: Building system needs to be reworked Raids need to be balanced Skills and Mercs need to be balanced
Patch Chapter 1 2021-08-08 AgonizingArtichoke: Various Bugfixes: e.g.: -Protagonist is not automatically renamed "Prota-Chan" after the intro :rolleyes: -High-Magistra of Air was using her ultimate every turn, starting on turn 1. What a bitch! -Stoneshield fixed -removed a softlock when dismissing mercs from roster
Quality of life: -Updated main screen -Buttons for quicker navigation added -Ugnor now instantly starts rituals when asked -Updated icons: Damage and Armor types should be more clear -Combat log to see what is actually going on during battle
Skills are not really balanced at the moment, so if you see a skill that is too weak/too strong, tell me in this thread.