История повествует о малолетнем преступнике Джимми Салфетке, юном изгое, которого исключили из всех школ, которые он когда-либо посещал. Если Джимми сможет пережить свой последний учебный год и перехитрить своих новых соперников, он сможет править всем городом. Возьмите под свой контроль Джимми в этом графическом приключении, полном секса, плохих шуток и дурацких историй. Противостояйте хулиганам, поддразнивайте учителей, шутите, выигрывайте или проигрывайте девочек и, в конечном счете, научитесь преодолевать препятствия худшей подготовительной школы в округе, Академии Ластворт, избегая при этом навсегда попасть в тюрьму.
Changelog v0.40.8 - Extended: -Added 2 new animations for Beatrix Lap Dance and Jillian Secret Santa Contest -Added "Dear Satan!" contest! -Added 1 new scene with Cassidy and Christy during infiltration mission. -Added new sprites for Cassidy, Christy and Beatrix. -Added reset system for all the new content so players can check the new stuff if they completed the old version. -Added skip system for players who only want to see the new content. Start a new game and after entering your name, the option will show up. -Added sountrack and new music for the reworked sequences and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.8: -Added 1 new animation for Cassidy's shower at Town House -Added 1 new animation for Ranch girls Cucumber fun. -Reworked Wendy's Mansion Infiltration animation -Added many new dialog sprites for Jillian, Barbara, Dakota, Sally, Grant the Hobo and Mayor Donaguy. -Added New Pier Area Location Map -Added new Police Station background for Cell blocks, Basement, Reception and 2nd Floor. -Retouched Wendy's face to match in different scenes. -Improved breakfast background scene during the weekend. -Reworked Police Station sequence -Added new system to make some money by working at the Ranch during the weekends. -Added reset system for all the new content so players can check the new stuff if they completed the old version. -Added sountrack and new music for the reworked sequences and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.7: -Added 4 new animations for Fiona's storyline -Improved and reworked Fiona's storyline part 1 -Added new Date at the Beach sequence -Added new Derek Hide and Seek sequence -Added 1 new character (Matunga) -Added many new character dialog sprite for Fiona and Derek -Added 2 new locations backgrounds (Boys Dorm Back Alley and Cliff Side Beach) -Added crowd sprites for locations (Boys Dorm Plaza, Entrance Plaza) -Replaced Fiona's Kiosk interior with new background -Fixed bug regarding the minimap being used during the weekends in the town house. -Added new variable for a limit of interactions with characters per day. This way it feels more natural to not be able to trigger the next sequence right after the last one is complete. -Added reset system for Fiona storyline so players can go through the new content if they completed the old version. -Fixed Fiona's dialog bugs and mission setups. -Added sountrack and new music for Fiona storyline and other elements. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
Changelog v0.40.6: -Added 3 new animations for Miss Dawson storyline -Improved and reworked Miss Dawson storyline part one. -Added 2 new characters (Edna The Cook and Marlon the Concierge) -Added 1 new characters dialog sprite for Ruby -Added new artwork for Audrey (Staff reunion quest) -Added reset system for Miss Dawson storyline so players can go through the new content if they completed the old version. -Fixed Fiona's dialog bugs and mission setup. -Added sountrack and new music for Miss Dawson storyline and other elements. -Fixed Gallery for new Miss Dawson scenes -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.5 changelog: -Added 1 new storyline for Miku - Part One. -Added 1 new scene with Miku in Art Class. -Added 1 new scene with Miku in Town House. -Added 1 new Library Main Hall background scenery. -Added 1 new Nerds HQ background scenery. -Added 1 new Library Shelves background scenery. -Added 1 new Minigame for Art Class. -Added new model for Aurora, the Art Class teacher. -Added new character, Izumi - Miku's mom. -Added new dialog sprites for Miku in uniform, casual clothes and native suit. -Added new character, Clarissa - The Librarian -Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in the Town House -Fixed bugs regarding soft locks in Fiona's storyline -Fixed some bugs and typos. -Other stuff I don't remember...
v0.40.41 changelog: -Added 1 new animation for Wendy (Feets) at Mansion infiltration -Added 1 new storyline (Heist Plan) The girl in the high castle with quests log update. -Added new dialog sprites for Blair, Kassandra, Alice, Dakota and Antonella. -Added new map for Beach area near Mayor's Mansion. -Added new scenery for School Auditorium. -Improved Mayor speech scene in Auditorium. -Improved and Reworked Wendy's scene in Mayor's Mansion -Improved and Reworked 1st time town visit scene. -Improved and Reworked USB incident scene. -Added new background for Mansion Pool Backyard -Added new interactions with Rocky the dog during infiltration mission. -Added new Police Station background -Added new Mansion Road Gate background -Added new dialog sprites for Grant the Hobo -Added new breakfast scene in Town House. -Changed quest structure for the 1st weekend in town. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
v0.40.3 changelog:
-Added 2 new animations for Christy Shower scene. -Added 1 new animation for Cassidy Locker incident. -Added new reworked scene with Lola in Shop Class. -Added new reworked scene with Cassidy in Town House. -Added new Gym boys locker room background. -Added new shop class background. -Added new Gary's dialog sprites. -Added new Blair dialog sprites. -Added new Lola dialog sprite and intro storyline. -Added new Alice dialog sprite. -Added new Audrey dialog sprite. -Added new background for Cassidy's room at peep hole. -Added new background for Girls' Gym Bathroom. -Added new Miss Dawson dialog sprites. -Added new Cassidy dialog sprites. -Added new Beatrix dialog sprites -Added new Dr. Stapleneck dialog sprites. -Added new Wardrobe clothing interface. -Improved and revamped Spanish Class presentation -Added new images for cutscenes in Prologue. -Added new Headmaster Office background. -Added new soundtrack for intro. -Added new ambience sounds for the schoolgrounds free roam. -Added new soundtrack for Day 1 and Day 2, new sound effects, music and ambience sounds for immersion. -Fixed bugs that didn't let the player start the Halloween event. -Fixed bug with Beatrix herpes dialog sprite. -Fixed some images, bugs and typos.
v0.40.1 Extended: -Added 3 new Mystery Girl animations. -Added New Gallery System accesible from the Preferences Menu (Still accesible from the PC, the library archive and the laptop) -Fixed some code issues from the Standard Edition. -Fixed some bugs and typos -Other stuff I don't remember
v0.40.1 changelog: -Mystery Girl cutscenes, storyline and sex scenes reworked and improved. -Added Jimmy new dialog sprites with casual clothes -Added New Boys Dorm Hallway background -Added New Boys Dorm Main Character Bedroom background -Added New Boys Dorm Plaza background -Improved Boys dorm backgrounds adding different crowds and looks during day times: -Added new Pete Kowalski dialog sprites -Added new Entrance Plaza background -Added new Main Gate background -Added New Girls Dorm Kiosk Background -Added New Gym Plaza background -Improved Spanish Class intro cutscenes and dialogs. -Added new Alice and Mandy intro sprites -Added New Miss Punny dialog sprites -Added New Miss Punny Spanish class reward -Added New Mr. Toord Gym class reward -Added New Main Plot storyline cutscene (The Old Sage) -Added Update warning to pin point the end of the new content. -Added Gallery access in Main Menu and Preferences Menu (Everything is unlocked) -Fixed some code issued with structure -Fixed some bugs and typos -Other stuff I don't remember
v0.30.9 changelog: -Added 1 new scene with Blair (Hangover) -Added 2 new scenes with Kassandra (The Fall and The Bath Tub) -Added 1 new location (Town House Backyard) -Reworked some cutscenes from the prologue (Mistery girl, Spanish class Violet intro) -Reworked some backgrounds (TV room, Harrison Bar) -Reworked some dialogs and edited some scripts. -Added new avatars to the Yearbook (kuroinekota, Jim James, Pidgeon) -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things I don't remember...
v0.30.8 changelog: -Added 1 new animated sex scene with Wendy (Goodbye) -Added 1 new special scene with Audrey (Rubber Band) -Added 1 new character for the Nerd Clique (Bucky) -Added 1 new character for the Bullies Clique (Russell) -Added new objectives and plot development for Chapter 2. (The Slingshot and Wendy's Goodbye) -Added 1 new location (Junkyard) -Updated quest tracking system to guide in new missions. -Updated Gallery to show newest scenes and missing thumbnails. -Improved Cassidy's Night scene dialog and content. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
v0.30.7b changelog: -Updated Gallery to show newest scenes and missing thumbnails. -Added 1 new location -Improved Cassidy's night scene dialog and content -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
v0.30.7 changelog: -Added 1 new sex scene with Fiona. (Headmaster's Revenge) -Added 1 new sex scene with Beatrix (Herpes Cured) -Added 1 new sex scene with Miss Dawson (A Good Assistant) -Added 3 new characters for the Nerd Clique (Algie, Earnest and Melvin) -Added Nerd Clique introduction and 1st quest. -Added new objectives and plot development in Halloween event. (Pranks) -Added 1 new location (Nerd Clique Headquarters) -Updated quest tracking system to guide in new missions. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.30.6: -Added 1 new animated sex scene with Cassidy -Added 1 new sex scene with Beatrix (Halloween) -Added 1 new animated sex scene in secret room (Jinx) -Added new access point for the PC in MC's room in the boys dorm. (Reward for completing the Halloween event) -Added new Chemistry teacher and class intro (Mr. White) -Added new Avatars in the Yearbook. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.30.4: -Added New Animations (Antonella Tit Show, Fiona Night Date) -Added New Replay Gallery Access (Library Archive PC) -Replaced some Stock Backgrounds -Fixed some bugs and typos
Changelog v0.30.2: -Added New Replay Gallery in Town House Bedroom PC -Added New Inventory System -Added New Chemistry Class Minigame -Fixed Secret Scene and Geography Bugs -Fixed some bugs and typos
Changelog v0.30: -Added 1 new sex scene with Christy and Mandy (Halloween) -Added 1 new sex scene with Ruby (Halloween) -Added new Quest Tracking System for main plot. -Added new Quest Tracking System for secondary characters. -Added new diary/planner feature with girls bios. -Added new dynamic backgrounds for each time of day. -Added a new way to reach the gym (Parking lot) -Fixed class minigames gameplay mechanics. -Fixed some character dialog bugs. -Added Android Gym minigame buttons. -Fixed Android Layout. -Improvement of core gameplay features. -Fix some bugs and typos. -Other things we don't remember...
Changelog v0.28.6: -Fixed save/load game problem. -Added Beatrix's Halloween sex scene. -Added Fiona's Halloween sex scene. -Added Cassidy's Halloween sex scene. -Added Miku's Halloween sex scene. -Added 7 character sprites (Halloween costumes) -Added new location (Harrison House) -Added Skip Button at the Chapter Choice screen to jump directly into the new content for the Halloween Event. -Fixed some bugs and typos -v0.29, with more Halloween content is available on Patreon now.
Changelog v0.27: -Added Halloween costumes items for sale in Fiona's kiosk. -Added Halloween event intro. -Added new Fighting minigame! (Gym class) -Added new diary/planner layout with stats. -Fixed class minigames gameplay mechanics. -Fixed some character dialog bugs. -Fixed Prologue plot structure. -Fixed Chapter 1 free roam structure. -Improvement of core gameplay features. -The new update v0.28.5 and v0.29, with the Halloween event content is available on Patreon now.
Changelog v0.26.1: -1 sex scene with Eunice -1 sex scene with Miku (Photoshoot storyline) -2 sex scenes in secret room (Quiet) -Fix some character dialog bugs. -Fixed Spanish Class block in day 1. -Update Yearbook Avatars. -Update Wall of Prankmasters names.
Changelog v0.25.2 - Patch: -Added Landlady and Roomates custom naming feature. -Added hide/disable quick menu option (thanks Bibifoc) -Added Save Game Naming option (thanks Bibifoc) -Fixed Spanish Class block in day 1. -Update Yearbook Avatars. -Update Wall of Prankmasters names.
Changelog v0.25a: -1 sexy scene with Miss Dawson -2 sexy scenes with Eunice -1 sexy scene with Miku -1 sexy scene with Beatrix Trudeau -1 sexy scene with Christy -Added Free roam gameplay mechanic in Chapter 1. -Added 7 new locations (Library, Parking Lot, Girls Dorm, Main Building Hallways, Cafeteria, Secretary Office) -Added Change name feature. -Polished some mechanics, dialogs, backgrounds, etc. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.23.2a - Extended: -Add 2 sex scenes with Fiona. -Add 1 shower scene with Mandy. -Add 2 more classes (Art and Music) -Add new avatars to the Yearbook (Thank you!). -Add new names to Wall of Prankmasters. -Added sound effects and music. -Fixed some bugs and typos. -New update v0.25a coming out next week on Patreon
Changelog v0.23.1a: -Added 5 special scenes (Antonella, Dakota daughters, Miku Sato, Eunice, Miss Dawson) -Added 5 new female characters (Miku, Miss Jones, Sally, Barbara, Eunice). -Added school cliques presentation. -Added 1 new explorable location (Dakota's Ranch) -Added 1 new class minigame (Geography) and reward. -Replaced some stock backgrounds with pixel art scenery. -Moved Cassidy's intro scene location to the gym's boys bathroom. -Updated skip button to new content. -Updated diary entries to show clues of where to go in school. -Updated Mini map to allow travel to library.d -Fixed bugs and typos.
v0.22a - Extended Edition: -Unlocked Patreon content -Added 4 animated versions of newest scenes (Tatsumaki and Claire) -Added new names to Wall of Prankmasters. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.22a - Public: -Added 4 new sex scenes in secret room (Tatsumaki and Claire). -Added 2 new character intros (Antonella and Dakota). -Added a Scene Replayer and Special Gallery in Jimmy's PC interface. -Added HUD and variable system for Day Time, Calendar and Money. -Replaced some stock backgrounds with pixel art scenery. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.21a - Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content -Added animated versions of 4 newer scenes (Jill mast and grope, Cassidy shower and Blair's video) -Added Skip button at the beginning of the game, so you can fast forward to recent content. -Added v0.21 soundtrack, sound effects and new music. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.21a - Public: -Added 4 new scenes (Officer Jill masturbation and grope, Blair secret and Cassidy shower). -Added 2 new quests (Prison Break and the USB stick dilemma) and 2 special scenes (Blair Sleeping, Alice reading). -Added 1 new character (Grant The Hobo) and 6 new character dialog sprites. -Added 2 new explorable locations (Jimmy's town house at day, Police Station) -Started Chapter 1 storyline. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.2.0 - Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content -Fixed music error during Lola garage scene.
Changelog v0.2.0a: -Added 4 new sex scenes (Cassidy and Wendy) -Added 2 new sex scenes in secret room (Ivana's Doggystyle and Throat Deep) (Extended Edition) -Added 2 new characters and 4 new character sprites (Kassandra the Landlady, Cassidy, Wendy, Alice and Jill) -Added 3 new explorable locations (Jimmy's town room, Town House Hallway and Mansion's Backyard) -Added 1 New quest (Cassidy Missing Dildo) -Finished Prologue storyline. -Added 2 New avatars to the Yearbook (Gabriel and Matheus Keyes) -Added 2 new location (Town House and Mayor's Mansion) -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.6a: -Added 2 NEW animated loops (Violet Shower). -Added 1 NEW female character with dialog (Blair) -Added 2 NEW characters with dialog (Derek, Mayor Donaguy) -Added 1 new location (The auditorium) -Refurbished 2 locations with background animations (Boys' dorm entrance and halway) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.5b: -Unlocked Patreon content.
Changelog v0.1.5b: -Fixed startup errors and Windows Defender alert issue. -Added 2 NEW animated scenes (Angie's Poll winners). -Added secret passage behind Wall of Prankmasters. (Roses are red...) -Added secret room in girl's dorm (Secret girl's gallery) -Added 1 NEW character with dialog (Angie Sato) -Updated all of Prankmasters and Yearbook Avatars. -Refurbished 1 location (Girl's dorm entrance) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added a couple of sound effects and music. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.4b: -Added 2 NEW sexy scenes (Miss Dawson Reward and Lola's Intro). -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Math Class) -Added 1 NEW character with dialog (Lola Bombardi) -Added 1 explorable location (School Gym) -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added Minimap on Day 2 to make traveling less tedious. -Improved Fiona's Blow artwork. -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.3b Extended: -Unlocked Patreon content. -Added 2 NEW animated scenes (Mistery Girl 2nd Scene and Fiona's Blow Reward) -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Gym Class)*. -Added 2 NEW characters with dialog (Mr. Toord, Gary). -Added updated Diary GUI to give you an idea of where to go. -Added 2 Scenery Animations (Boys Dorm TV Room, Jimmy's Room Day 2) -Updated Lusworth's Yearbook (Main building hall) to immortalize new Tier 4 avatars. THANKS! -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.2b - Extended: -Added 2 NEW scenes (Cassidy's Intro and Christy's Shower) -Added 1 NEW Minigame and Special Reward (Spanish Class)*. -Added 6 NEW characters with special sprite (Violet, Mandy, Alice, Cassidy, Miss Punny, and Pete Kowalski). -Added 2 NEW explorable locations (Boys Dorm Entrance, Main Building Hall). -Added NEW GUI with a Diary to give you an idea of where to go. -Added 2 Scenery Animations (Boys Dorm TV Room, Jimmy's Room Day 2) -Added Lusworth's Yearbook (Main building hall) to immortalize Tier 4 Patrons in the game with their custom avatar (Fill the form!). THANKS! -Added new names to the 1st Wall of Prankmasters (Boy's dorm) to honor Tier 3 and above Patrons. THANKS! -Added some Sound Effects for gameplay purposes. -Improved GUI and other details.* -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.1b: -Added 1 Quest and introduction to new girl (Fiona)*. -Added 1 NEW animated reward scene (Fiona). -Added NEW character sprites and locations (Fiona, Boys TV Room, Fiona's Kiosk*, Dorms Plaza, New Jimmy's Room, New Boys Dorm Hallway). -Add Wall of Prankmasters to honor Tier 3 and above Patrons. (THANKS!) -Add Wall of Loyalty Honors for most loyal Patrons in the last few months. (THANKS!) -Improved GUI and fixed readability problem.* -Fixed bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.0b (Reboot Initial Release): -Restarted development of this game on Ren'py from scratch. -Added a NEW intro for the story. -Added NEW character sprites and talking animations (Jimmy, Miss Dawson, Dr. Staplaneck, and Beatrix Trudeau). -Added 1 NEW animated scene. -Added 1 NEW sexy scene with Miss Dawson. -Exported NEW Android version. -Added new soundtracks.
Changelog v0.1.4E: -Improved Gameplay in Police Station stage. -Added 3 new sprites (Jill, Alice, Steamy Christmas). -Unlocked Extended Scenes for the public. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added Spanish translation. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.2b: -Fixed Fatal Crash Error (I had to use another engine, therefore start from scratch). -Added 2 gameplay scenes in Police Station and MC House (Check Walkthrough). -Added 3 new lewd/sex scenes (Jill, Cassidy, Alice). -Revamped Scenery: MC Room. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added Save/Load Game Option. -Fixed some bugs and typos.
Changelog v0.1.1Extended: -Added 1 gameplay scene in Mansion Pool Side (Check Walkthrough). -Added 2 new sprites to Wendy's sex scene. -Added new Jill Valentino sprite. -Revamped Scenery: Mayor's Mansion. -Revamped some character sprites. -Added sound effects and music. -Added "how to play" sprite. -Added Spanish translation. -Fixed some bugs and typos.