Ты вырос в мирном маленьком городке под названием Ривер-Фелл со своим лучшим другом Аароном и его семьей. Вы с Ареном недавно подали заявление в Гильдию рыцарей в столице - престижную группу, которая принимает даже новичков, у которых есть все необходимое. Твоя жизнь меняется, когда ты владеешь мечом, который оставила тебе твоя мать. Познакомьтесь с привлекательными персонажами и красивыми романтичными женщинами, исследуя этот мир, который вас ждет. Столкнитесь с тьмой, которая появляется на поверхности, и раскройте злой заговор по мере развития вашей истории. Отправляйтесь в дополнительные квесты со своими товарищами, где вам, возможно, придется принимать решения, которые проверят вашу нравственность и добавят вам еще один уровень контента, которым вы сможете наслаждаться.
v0.7 The episode comes with close to 1000 new renders and 14 animations. A scene was removed and will be included in the next one because I was not happy with the animations and so they need some polishing.
v0.6 Added a Character Journal - You can find the character journal in the menu. Look for 'Journal'. If you don't see any entries, just start the episode and they should fill up after like one second. Entries will be updated the more you interact with the character. Heart symbols on journal entries indicate main LI's (LI's that will have a unique solo ending should you choose to go with that route). Please remember that you can pursue all the LI's and change your decision to be a one woman man later on if you want to experience all the relationships for now. Your call.
Added achievements - Achievements for this episode have been added and should automatically sync with your Steam account. Note that there are achievements from older episodes that will come with the next episode. I didn't activate all of them because I thought having so many pop ups would get annoying. The variables are tracked and saved in your game so you will get them when I activate them even though they're older ones.
The dialogue system - I didn't talk about this one when I implemented it in the previous episode but basically, sometimes, you'll get options to respond in a certain way - Friendly, Funny, Flirty, Aggressive. These responses will be linked to achievements/bonus image unlocks/bonus action and dialogue unlocks. For example : If you're always aggressive, you might be able to perform aggressive actions in some scenes based on how high your aggression points are.
General notes - As you all know, I moved to another country and it took me a while to find a place, settle down and start working, which is what caused this gap between the previous episode and this one. I apologize for the delay and assure you that releases will be much faster now that I'm all settled in. The next episode is planned in the first few week or two of January and may even be out if I finish before that.
I realize that the slow burn might be getting too slow for some of you. All I can say is that the next episode will change that. I've already written down most of the scenes for the next one so I just have to start working on renders now. If you have any questions or if you find any bugs, feel free to join my discord channel. Click on the logo at the main menu and come say hi. v0.5 - ~800 renders - Some new animations - Added a personality scoring system for some dialogue choices that'll be obvious based on the icon next to them. For now, these will just track your points which will translate to achievements whenever they're implemented.
v0.4 Final Episode 4 is now complete and live. There are around 800 new renders bringing our total render count to 1200+, our biggest yet and 15-16 animations I hope you like the update.
v0.2b Second half released! -Added around 700 images -6-8 new soundtracks -5 new bonus images Plot wise, there's a little more than the previous version (in my opinion).