Красивые машины, вечеринки с выпивкой и травкой, секс в первую ночь, сомнительные дела и никаких планов на будущее, кажется, что эта жизнь будет длиться вечно ...
v0.2c -Added bed scene with Jen (After the shower scene with and without femdom)
-Fixed a number of minor bugs
v0.2b - Added scene of meeting Polina in the cafe (If you play along the path of Jen's family)
-Added bed scene with Mrs. Grobowski (If you play along the path of Jen's family and broke up with Pauline)
-Fixed a number of minor bugs
-Fixed a bug with a non-working "Rollback Slide"
v 0.1.6 A little update, Jen and Sharon's story continues
v.0.1.5 A little update for those who have chosen Femdom
--------------------- Unfortunately, I did not have time to draw all the images for a full update, so this version contains a small continuation of the main story. If at the beginning of the game you turned off the Femdom scenes, then you better skip this add-on