Все, Что от меня осталось, - это лесбийский визуальный роман. Вы берете на себя роль Челси, 20-летней женщины, которая переезжает в новый дом со своей девушкой. Но вскоре все принимает ужасный оборот, когда таинственная фигура начинает терроризировать их. От вас зависит убедиться, что Челси сохранит свои отношения и менталитет нетронутыми, справляясь со всеми новыми изменениями.
Day 7 Added scenes with Jessica, Amanda, Bailey, and Tonya. Jessica's hair will now be blonde if you said you preferred it on Day 6. Chelsea can now get a job: Stripper. I am going to separate Week 1 and Week 2 so that they don't take up more than the space allowed on this website.
Day 6 Chelsea, Jessica, Amanda, and Tonya have breakfast together. Chelsea goes bowling with Bailey. Chelsea works out with Amanda. Added more renders.
Day 5 Added Day 5 Details Chelsea talks to her mom Fixed more typos Added more renders and animations
Day 4 Added Day 4
You can now tell Jessica about Amanda's plan (or not) Each choice leads to a different lewd scene (choice does not harmfully impact relationship with either girl) Fixed typos again Added more renders and animations There's other stuff too
Day 3 Added Day 3
Added Animations for Day 3 (I will make animations for the intro and the first two days over time) I added some more choices I added lewd scenes for Jessica and Amanda (Depending on your relationship with Amanda) I made the threesome on Day 3 the first threesome with Jessica and Amanda I added a character (Hailey's sister) I remade more renders and fixed more typos I converted the images to jpg to make them smaller(There is some quality loss)
Day 2 Remake of Day 2
Day 1 Remake of the intro and Day 1
v0.5 Added Day 5 Added lewd scenes with Jessica Added a lewd scene with Amanda
Announcement: I am going to take a break from this for a while (I also put this at the end of Day 5) Day 4 and 5 didn't really turn out how I wanted them to, so I am going to rework what I have already made I wanted to make them more interesting and actually have some replayablility I am also going to have some branching (Like I originally intended to make )
v0.4.5 Added the rest of day 4. Added 2 lewd scenes with Amanda. Added 2 lewd scenes with Jessica. Added a lewd scene with Tonya. I fixed some typos.
v0.4.1 Started Day 4 Added a lewd scene with Amanda I fixed some typos.
v0.4 Added Day 3 Changed lewd scenes (I don't know why I made them the way I did at first) Added scenes with Tonya -Non lewd Added dream scenes with Tonya -Lewd Added lewd and non lewd scenes with Jessica Added lewd and non lewd scenes with Amanda Changed the slides in the main menu (I replaced all of them except for Amanda's)
v0.3 Added Day 2 Added scenes with Jessica and Amanda Added new character - Sergeant Stacey Added new character - Tonya Starting to add more choices (will add some in the intro, day 1 and more in day 2 in the next update)
v0.2 Added Day1. Fixed some of the clipping in the intro.(Will fix the rest later.) Added scenes with Jessica and Amanda.