В "Запретных желаниях" вы играете за недавно разведенного отца двоих детей, вы живете с обеими своими дочерьми в маленькой квартире. Линн - ваша младшая дочь, ей недавно исполнилось 18. Ее хобби включают йогу и плавание. Ваша старшая дочь Максин, которой в начале года исполнился 21 год. На самом деле у нее не так уж много увлечений, большую часть времени она проводит со своей лучшей подругой Эсси.
v0.4 Part 1 Public Update Notes: 360+ New Renders 4 different routes based on prior choices Fixes made to grammar/spelling in prior days
v0.3 Public Update Notes: Added third day 350 new renders Fixes made to grammar/spelling in prior days
As I said in my first post about this release, I'll only be providing the compressed image version of the game from now on. This is due to the expanding size of the game with each update, plus I personally do not see much difference between the two versions. If enough people want it though, I will give out the uncompressed version.
I hope everyone enjoys this update and looks forward to the next one, which hopefully won't be as long a wait. As always, your support means the world to me and lets me make this game. Thank you.
v0.2 This update introduces choices, these choices will determine who the MC can romance. Included in the update is a route helper, this is a walkthrough that you can choose to turn on and off when you start playing.
When you load up your save from the previous version, you will be presented with a few choices. One of these is for the route helper, the others are choices that have been added to the first day of the game to help you decide who you would like to romance. While it is perfectly fine to keep playing from your previous save, I would recommend starting a new game if you would like to experience any new scenes that have been introduced with the choices.
There have also been a multitude of fixes made to grammar and spelling issues that existed in the first version, included in these fixes is the removal of any auto advancing lines. This was due to the fact that balancing when to advance was too much work and that time would be better spent on renders and writing the game.
Speaking of renders, in this update there are a total of 388 new renders. The majority of these are for the second day, with only 20 or so new renders in the first day for each choice. Something I would like to include in the future is animations, however that is something I am still learning and practicing and would only like to include if they are of a good enough quality.