Захватывающая дух, чувственная и эротическая игра в шести эпизодах, в которой три судьбы пересекаются на Карибах
Не очень приятный лондонский финансист, который хочет получить свой кусок пирога, не такая наивная датская олимпийская чемпионка по плаванию, которая отвечает на удары, которые получает, и не очень честный молодой кубинец, который не хочет умереть таким же бедным, каким он родился. Как жизнь заставит их встретиться, полюбить, разлучить, предать и возненавидеть друг друга? Это то, что предлагает вам открыть этот запутанный визуальный роман, полный поворотов и поворотов.
v0.3b Orlando keeps on hitting on his lovely aunt. He's so close to succeed that it would be a shame not to take a look ! And still a very low price!
v0.3a Orlando enters the dance. Meet him and follow him on his journey from Havana to Nassau. But be careful: he's a crook who's not about to pull a fast one... Episode 3 will be divided into 3 parts. In the first two parts, he will have to manage to emigrate clandestinely from Havana to Nassau, his lovely aunt could help him. In the second part he'll have to get into bad company and risk his life. Will he stay alive long enough to meet the other two protagonists? With your help, maybe...
v0.2b Discover Eva, the second character of this adventure and help her to capture the attention of her coach. Also, meet her beautiful mother who has come alone to visit her in the United States; she is going to be assaulted by a rather efficient girl-killer. Will she succumb?
As version 0.2c is about to be released, a free version 0.2b is available. Compared to version 0.1, this is an important upgrade with a much better soundtrack and integrated very erotic animations. The user interface has also been reworked.