Дэвид и Анна Паркер — прекрасная молодая супружеская пара с новорожденной дочерью. Те, кто их знает, говорят, что у них идеальный брак. Но ревность и предательство скоро подвергнут их брак испытанию. Вы будете управлять их судьбой!
v0.7.3 I added a gallery. The sneak peeks showed v0.7.2, but it's the same as v0.7.3, and there's no v0.7.2, in case anyone is confused. I added a character bio portal. I adjusted the Rob/Anna massage flashback scene from previous releases. Old saves won't work, but there's a shortcut in the start menu that can skip you to the latest update. Made some tweaks to the scoring/coding to ensure the paths are how I'd like them, which is why old saves don't work. Made some tweaks to the stat box interface. For those who are Chris haters or playing the purely faithful route, your content for this update will be limited compared to the rest. But more content is coming from other characters in future updates, I promise. This isn't just a Chris/Anna thing.
v0.7.1b Here's the latest update that was released to the patrons. Some things I want to point out: I did some work on the scene between David/Anna meeting in living room from last update, to get it up to my liking. I felt I rushed through it on last release. I added a shortcut to skip the Stenstromber flashback scene from the last update. I added a new phone app, retroactively to the beginning of the story. The texts didn't change, so no need to replay it. The stat box went through some changes. I got rid of the "David communication" line because that stat is baked in with other stats, so it's kind of useless. About this update, I want to add that this is an important update, which is why I've spent a lot of time on it. The last update was mostly Anna and David processing the "split." That's not something I wanted to blow past. This update continues that same concept, but it also serves as a transition into the next phase of the story. A shift can be felt. Finally, I want to warn that for those who reject Chris, this update won't have as much content, but I assure you the other characters will have more time in the coming updates.
v0.7a Chris content added.
v0.6.5 Completes Part 2
v0.5 - 2022-10-18 Part 1, Friday & Saturday
v0.4 - 2022-09-13 Part 1, Thursday
v0.3b Part 1, Wednesday
v0.2 Part 1, Tuesday Note - the version update sequence has changed to 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, etc. as to not mislead people into thinking it's a finished product.