Земля уже давно покинута, и то, что осталось от человечества, теперь разбросано по всей галактике. Так что же произошло на Земле? Эта часть истории давным-давно канула в безвестность.
Но какое тебе дело? У тебя есть свои собственные проблемы, с которыми нужно разбираться.
Вы только что пережили покушение на убийство ценой своей квартиры. Звучит как в любой другой день недели, верно? Верно, только на этот раз ваша партнерша тоже таинственно исчезла, и ваш долг - выяснить, куда она делась! Предупреждаю: ответ может привести к... большим приключениям, чем вы планировали. Лучше возьми с собой дополнительный ланч.
v0.14 - Continuation of the story - 1175 new renders - 9 new lewd animations - 4 new achievements - At least 1700 new words (lost count) This is the end of season 2.
v0.13 BUGFIX - Continuation of the story - 1038 new renders - 7 new lewd animations - 4 new achievements - Letters and numbers
v0.12 - 2024-07-27 Continuation of the story 927 new renders 10 new lewd animations 4 new achievements Words A bit of a slow development due to life getting in the way on top of learning new software. I do like how it came out however Hope you enjoy, stay classy
v0.11 - 2024-04-24 - Continuation of the story - 1409 new renders - 15 new lewd animations - 2.5 new cutscenes - 3 new achievements - 4 new lore entries - Billions of new words (rough estimate)
v0.10 - 2024-01-21 - Continuation of the story - 888 new renders - 11 new lewd animations - 6 new achievements - More words and stuff
v0.9 - 2023-11-19 - Continuation of the story - 944 new renders - 7 new lewd animations - 3 new lore entries - 1 awesome new cutscene
v0.8.1 - 2023-08-06 There should be no stupid typeerrors Minigames are properly disabled in the android version Options menu should work There should be no language errors for players who played a previous version in a different language QTE should be easier
v0.8 - 2023-08-06 - Continuation of the story - 659 new renders - 11 new lewd animations - 1 new cutscene - 2 new achievements - 9 new lore entries
v0.7 - 2023-04-24 - Continuation of the story and ending of Season 1 - 1142 new renders - 11 new lewd animations - 4 new cutscenes
v0.6 - 2023-02-04 - Continuation of the story - 643 new renders - 7 new lewd animations - 2 new cutscenes - Updated UI
v0.5 - 11 Dec 2022 - Continuation of the story - 401 new renders - 9 new lewd animations - 1 new cutscene - 3 new achievements
v0.4.1 - 1 Nov 2022 - Continuation of the story - 633 new renders - 8 new lewd animations - 2 new cutscenes - 4 new achievements - 3 new lore entries
v0.3 - 17 Sep 2022 - Continuation of the story - 404 new renders - 3 new lewd scenes - 2 new cutscenes - 4 new achievements - 3 new lore entries - Added a textbox with opacity slider
v0.2.1 - Continuation of the story - 2 new lewd scenes - 2 new cutscenes - 6 new achievements - Added a gallery for lore, including 9 lore entries - Game size is smaller due to more competent compression. - Sprinkled some additional narrative dialogue into the script, should be reminiscent of the memories from After the Inferno
v0.1.1 - Improved lighting and coloring for all 0.1 renders - Changed or added background music to a few scenes - Minor alterations to two gags that I thought were too on the nose or not good for the lore - Cum scenes look better - Minor changes to menu interface