Семейное наследство - это визуальный роман, который рассказывает историю мальчика, которого отправляют в деревню без каких-либо инструкций о том, какова его цель, как только он прибудет, он встретит девушку, которая раскроет его цель, трахнуть 6 девушек менее чем за 90 дней, чтобы спасти свою жизнь и свою семью.это наследство.
v0.01.5 - A new element to interact in the police station. - A new scene with Monica. - Two possible endings to Monica's story - Three new items you can get. - A new girl! - A new map. - At the entrance to your apartment there is now a mailbox, check it from time to time ;) - A new dialog with Renala. - A new way to earn money
** Fix for some bugs** - The old movie that Renala keeps in her chest now appears from the beginning of the game. - The sound when opening the map has been replaced. - Some dialogues have been corrected - Now you can stay inside the police station if you advance the time.
v0.01.1 ** This update includes
- Renala now offers some useful tips once you reach certain love points with her
- You can no longer buy items from the store that you no longer need.
- added some items in several maps
- Now you can change your name from the laptop in your room.
** Fix for some bugs**
- Correction in a picture of Isabella in the bar
- Emily gave you her second photo pack on the same day you gave her the second cosplay.
v0.0.1 First things to consider Currently the game has approximately 40 minutes of gameplay, 4 girls that you can already interact with and several maps that you can already explore.
The artwork of the menus and sounds will be improved in the future, along with some scenes and scenarios, my goal is to give Family Inheritance approximately 6 to 8 hours of gameplay with interesting stories, different things to do and many waifus to choose from!