"Блудник" - это история об искуплении и новых начинаниях. Это история о главном герое, который пострадал от серьезной несправедливости и потерял почти все в своей жизни. Куда он пойдет дальше? Кто он такой? Каким человеком он станет, осознав, что "нормальная" жизнь не защитила его от несправедливости, душевной боли и страданий. В Whoremonger вы можете помочь ему решить, по какому пути идти, поскольку он начинает жизнь сначала и ищет что-то особенное в своей жизни.
Numbers: Lines of code (14,000+ new, 20,000+ total) HD Renders (950+ New, 1440 total) Play Time (3 hrs+ on Act 1 content (longest path), plus another 1-2 hours on other paths) This doesn't include the time for the Prologue
New Content: 19 Game days and apx. 33 events 6 new characters Stayed with a VN style format with path choices. Decided to wait until a new project to attempt a Sandbox game Two NTR events this update. To see them, you need to turn NTR on, either when asked in game or by using the switch in the preferences screen. I wrote completely separate content for scenes where there is an NTR version and a non NTR version. You will only see the one you choose.
Other Stuff: Fixed some typos in Prologue Made formating changes game wide for better readability Created full character customization for almost all characters in game Updated Sprites and Side images on all characters Added an NTR switch to the Preferences screen Added some new music and normalized all the music files to be a little lower volume
Act 0 - v1.0.1 Prologue Initial Release with splash screen hotfix applied. No other changes. If you downloaded a v1.0, just apply the hotfix links in OP.
Act 0 - v1.0 Prologue Initial Release - Prologue 470+ HD renders 15500 Words 38 Sound and music files Apx. 1.5-2 hours playtime