Иногда жизнь может показаться простой, четкой прямой дорогой без каких-либо поворотов, не говоря уже о неправильных, но на самом деле в любой момент может произойти вихрь неудач и неудач, окутывающий будущее неопределенностью.
v0.02b bug with duplicate tasks in the task list no back button in some interfaces removing pop-up about getting points where points are not actually given / adding extra points in places where they are needed, but not given interface bugs when objects not corresponding to the location could be displayed docking of some quests in episode 1 (when the quest is logically finished, but the task is still hanging in the list / when the quest has not finished yet and is waiting for the player to act, but the task is not displayed in the list) descriptions of some quests, so that their text coincides with what is happening in the game
v0.02 Continuation of the Elise branch: New animation
Continuation of the neighbor's branch: The development of massage (new animation variations) Love Adventure (new Animation, CG)
A new meeting with the police new animation
Added a new character Apothecary: Introduction , 1st task (CG)
New locations: The roof of the player's house Police station Beach
Added new costumes for several characters Added 2 mini games Added new achievements, as well as karma New interface for animated scenes The combat system is in development, it will be ready for the next version.
v0.01 The saves will work from the next version, now you can skip the "prologue" if you played the demo What has been added Several variations of CG for Ellis have been added to the beginning of the game (what was in the demo version)
UI: Added tooltips for characteristics and locations. Plot: Added Gallery (Need to complete the task) Developing a relationship with Ellis Developing a relationship with a neighbor Developing a relationship with a tutor Locations: Bookstore ? Characters: new female character in the book New animation variations: Ellis in the shower Tutor and Stephen New animations: Ellis 2 pieces (+different variations) Neighbor 1 piece (+different variations) Mechanics: added the ability to use sleeping pills (buy in the store) to fall asleep without "relaxing" and counting sheep. added receiving rewards after winning the battle with the homeless (money) Demo June 3, 2022, error found