После твоей жалкой кончины тебе был дан второй шанс снова жить благодаря тупице по имени Мисти. Но есть одна загвоздка! Ты не можешь жить в мире, где ты уже умер! Так что вам придется начинать все сначала в другом мире и, очевидно, в другом городе!
Добро пожаловать в город Мистик Вилль! Познакомьтесь с новыми странными людьми и узнайте их получше, может быть, они хранят какие-то секреты, которые вы, возможно, захотите узнать! Кто знает? Может быть, в городе есть вампир? Подождите минуту... как получилось, что теперь у тебя есть магическая сила Мисти? Она не собирается относиться к этому легкомысленно... ты знаешь? С ее силой ваша жизнь сейчас никогда не была проще, чем раньше.
Chapter 3 - Continued the story from Chapter 2. - Added a sex scene with multiple progression. - Replaced CG Viewer with a full-fledged Scene Replay. - Added one new character (Allison). - Changed Gallery screen design. - Revised some bits from the first chapters and removed the dull & boring parts.
Chapter 1 - Changed versioning from 0.6.1 to Chapter 1 (Otherwise would be 1.0.0) - Includes the second half or continuation of the previous version. - Current game length is around 1 hour. - Changed posing system so it's now more efficient and less timeconsuming. - Added 2 more characters. (Cynthia & Rachel) - Added a teaser for the next chapter. - Added a point-and-click system for navigation and spicing up gameplay. - Added a total of 5 backgrounds with clickable areas. - Added a bunch of music to accompany the game. - Added 5 animated visual effects for spells and magic. - Added 2 adult scenes. - Changed how the character name looks. - Fixed a blinking/flicker bug in the previous version.
v0.6.1 - Improved performance even more (Finally found what really caused the horrendous lag)
v0.6.0 - Added/replaced Misty's first encounter with the ANIMATED version. - Changed how I showed character expression symbols from the ground up. (Thank god we're still at the first half ) - Changed the Splash screen design that you see when launching the game. - Changed Gallery screen design. (removed animated background to make performance better) - Changed the In-game Navigation menu background image. - Gallery images are now locked from default, and you have to see them in-game to unlock them in the gallery. - Revised, added a few dialogues, and fixed some typos, nothing major though. - Removed animated background from the in-game navigation menu (Causes lag). - Removed the sound that plays when you click (I've heard complaints but never heard anyone actually liking them, so I disabled them).