Главный герой этой истории вырос со своим отцом-алкоголиком, который с самого раннего возраста убеждал его, что его мать погибла в автомобильной катастрофе. Достигнув совершеннолетия и пережив разрыв отношений, безработицу и столкнувшись с бездомностью, он получает телефонный звонок, который изменит его жизнь и раскроет правду о его отце.
v0.10 Part 1 11000+ lines of code 3000+ images 160 animations
v0.9 + Hot Fix
v0.8 1200+ renders/animations New backing music tracks ALSO: A surprise ending that no-one will expect! So all my bee-autiful people out there, relax and enjoy!
v0.7.5 No continuation of the story thus far, however: - I have re-mastered Chapters 1 to 4 plus: - Added extra content to Chapter 4 for better context.
v0.7c -Issues fixed include missing images / animations, typos and scripting errors.
v0.7 - 1500+ images - 17 H-Scenes - Improved in-game UI PLUS: A couple of guest cameos paying homage to a couple of devs that inspired and assisted me at the beginning. These cameos were included with their permission. Without these two individuals the game wouldn't be where it is today.
v0.6 After a long 6 months and 1100+ renders / animations, we finally did it! Unfortunately, this new release took us a longer than anticipated, in between serious health issues and real-life events.
Changes include: - Improved UI on Main Menu - **NEW!!** Replay Gallery (which will unlock as you play through) - **NEW!!** SFX (Now you can hear the girls with 'certain' events)
v0.5 Over 1,000 new renders/animations Over 3,500 new lines of code
v0.4 - over 850 new renders / animations - over 2700 lines of code
v0.3 - A couple of header changes - More context at the start of the story - and of course, more content!
v0.2 I made a few changes including a slight tweak to the prologue, and added another 2 chapters to add more content, including meeting another 3 characters. I will apologise for the lack of H-scenes in this to date, but you will see more in upcoming updates as you make your decisions on character involvement.