Добро пожаловать в Страну грез! Город, в котором проводятся самые дикие мероприятия на весенних каникулах в колледже, наполненные горячими девушками, вечеринками и сексом. Однако, если вы присмотритесь достаточно внимательно, то обнаружите, что Страна грез также скрывает темную и ужасающую тайну, которая преследует вас и ваших друзей...
v0.4.0p Added new content - Chapter 3 Part 2. Converted the game's renders into smaller size files. Fixed minor grammatical errors in the previous update.
v0.3.0p Chapter 3 [Part 1]
v0.2.7 Chapter 2 is now complete!!
v0.2.6 A small update with new content has been added.
v0.2.5 Improved grammar. v0.2.4 Added a small amount of new content.
v0.2.3 - All in-game dialogue has been revised to sound more natural.
- Transitions between images have been improved.
- Added the possessive suffix check.
- Improved UI transitions.
- Some of Danielle's animations now have a faster movement version.
- Added a small credits button to the home menu.
v0.2.2 [Major]
- Chapter 2 [Part 1] added to the game.
- Fixed the unabtainable card from Katherine glitch in Chapter 1.
- Some of the dialogue of Chapter 1 has been updated to sound more natural. Credit: razboss & volf3n.
- Added time and date labels to save slots.
- UI changes in the Award Room.
v0.1.2 Added an early access warning to the game's startup screen.
v0.1.1 Added Patreon link to the startup screen and main menu.