Кимберли Оуэнс - трудолюбивая 18-летняя девушка, изо всех сил пытающаяся свести концы с концами. Пристрастие ее матери к алкоголю вкупе с тем, что Кимберли никогда не встречалась со своим отцом, вынудили ее нести ответственность за аренду жилья, питание и повседневный уход за своей семьей. Пытаясь найти баланс между учебой, заботой о своей больной матери и практически воспитанием своего маленького сводного брата, ей трудно поддерживать работу или выполнять школьную работу.
v0.13 -150 new renders. -Event at Principal Skroob's office. -Continued storyline with Doctor/board member. -Kimberly's mom. -Event at the bar. -Hayleigh and the babysitter. -Big Surprise. -The end.
v0.12 -150 new renders. -Event at Principal Skroob's office. -Finn meets Pete from the clothing store. -Continued storyline with Doctor. -Big event at the bar.
v0.11 -Event at Jethro's house. -Event at the trailer. -Jethro and the guys at work. -Kimberly and Grandpa Elmer. -Photoshoot at the clothing store.
v0.10 -170 Renders. -Events in school with Janitor and teacher. -Event at the trailer with rednecks. -Event at work.
v0.9 -204 renders. -Remade old renders of scenes with brother's old model. -Event in the trailer. -Meet Vanessa's grandpa Elmer. -Event at Vanessa's. -Back to the trailer. -Schoolgirl uniform.
v0.8 - 152 renders. - Scene in the trailer. - Event at the hospital. - Another trailer scene. - Kimberly and Norman's date and event.
v0.7 -110 new renders. -Event in the bar. -Event in Finn's office. -Event at Jethro's house.
v0.6 -130 new renders. -Event with Jethro. -Jethro and his boss. -Event with new character. -Hayleigh preparing for her date.
v0.5 -186 new renders. -Event at school. -New characters introduced. -Event at the bar. -Hayleigh falling into the trap.
v0.4 -122 new renders. Finishing up at the bar. Main event at the trailer. Meet Kimberly’s cousin Hayleigh .
v0.3 - 2023-02-10 -84 new renders -Scene with Kimberly and her mom's Doctor. -Scene with Jethro -Scene at the bar with Finn and other new characters.
v0.2 - 124 renders. - Meeting Jethro's best friend. - Event with Mr. Cameron and Principal Skroob. - Kimberly gets into more trouble at school. - Event with Principal Skroob. - Event at the clothing shop, which includes a surprising new character.