Молодой человек, которому приходится брать на себя много обязанностей из-за внезапной смерти своего отца, идя на многие жертвы ради своей верности другим людям, которые его окружают. На этом полном приключений пути со своим лучшим другом давайте посмотрим, смогут ли они осуществить свои самые большие мечты: жизнь, полную процветания и красивых девушек.
v0.3.0 - 350+ renders in total. - 68+ music & sfx in total. - 3+ animations in total.
- Currency system has been added. - Personal computer has been added. - Personal mobile phone has been added. - Map with over 20 locations has been added. - Item Adding & Inventory system has been added. - Menu and UI design have been updated in beta. - Improvements have been made to some previous scenes.
v0.2.1 Some word errors have been fixed. Errors in some scenes have been fixed. Some optimization problems have been fixed. Improvements have been made in the sentences. Fixed main menu problem for Russian. Russian and German translations have been updated again.
v0.2.0 Added v0.2.0 that includes: - 278 renders in total. - 8 music & sfx in total. - 0 animations in total. (In the future) 2027
v0.1.1 - Fixed issues in the game menu. - Fixed a few general optimization bugs. - Russian language has been added to the game.
v0.1.0 First release includes: 362 scenes in total. 27 music & sfx in total. 0 animations in total. (In the future)