Тебя обманула твоя девушка и вызвала в другой мир. Там, где у вас могут быть рабы, будете ли вы хорошо обращаться с ними или делать с ними немыслимые вещи? Стройте дома для своих рабов, бордели для проституции, если хотите, и многое другое.
v0.1.6 - Added a new girl "Miriam". - Added for Miriam all the activities. - Fixed some bugs.
v0.1.5 - Added a new girl "Ellie". - Added for Ellie all the activities. - Added a little extra. - Fixed the hospital and added more beds. - Fixed a bug releated to social skill and tavern. - Fixed some animations bugs.
v0.1.4 - Added a new girl "Nisha". - Added for Nisha all the activities. - Nisha take more time to get dirty.
v0.1.3 - Added a new girl "Alana". - Added for Alana all the activities that Madison can do. - Added that if the slave does not work she will recover from the status "tired". - Added the option to take a slave from the brothel when talking to the owner of the brothel.
v0.1.2 - Added all Madison's lvl 1 trainings - Added all the Madison's brothel jobs - Added the hospital, now if the slave is "tired", "weak" or "sick", she can be cured by resting in the hospital.
The number of days will depend on her health; "Tired" one day "Weak" two days "Sick" three to five days - Added more shifts in the tavern, now she can work there all day long. - Added that slaves get experience on their own when performing tasks (less than they get if they are teached).
v01.1 Tavern and brothel prices have been lowered. Added work in the tavern Added work in the brothel (The slave will live in the brothel, you can ask her to stop working and she will come back home.) Fixed some bugs. Every 30 days taxes will be charged to the kingdom, 50.000.( In savegames before version 0.1.1 it may not be on the 30th day of the game.)