Так и не отняв от груди свою мать, наш главный герой развил в себе пристрастие к грудному молоку еще в зрелом возрасте. Выросший на молочной ферме одной матерью, его любовь к матери вышла за рамки обычной любви матери и сына. Но когда она отвергла его предложение, в нем пробудился внутренний демон. Он начал сомневаться в морали гуманного общества. Он верил, что его мать разделяет ту же любовь к нему, что и он к ней, и что табу, придуманные другими людьми, являются единственной причиной, по которой она отвергла его. Чтобы заставить ее проявить свои истинные чувства, он должен изменить ее взгляды на мир. Но когда весь мир стоит между ним и его матерью, добьется ли он успеха?
v0.4.1 -Continuation of the story Well, this again is a fairly small update. I prefer to release updates in small sizes. Surprisingly this update was quite hard for me to write, despite being quite short. It has undergone many many iterations, but I'm still not quite satisfied with the end result. But let me know what you think.
v0.4 -Continuation of the story -Discontinuation of the Demon route
Well, this update is pretty short, because I have been working pretty slowly, and I want to see people's reaction to the direction of this update first. This update is the beginning of the "corruption", I guess you could say, of the girls. It's not so much corruption, but rather trying to get them on his good side. You'll see what I mean what you play the update.
The bad news is that I have decided to discontinue the Demon route. It's not because I don't like it, since it's actually how I originally envisioned the game. But since I tried to diverge the two routes, I found the workload to be exponentially higher. Initially I thought it would only double the original workload, but it's much more than that. All the planning, additional branches from these two routes, and whatnot make it very difficult to develop two versions of the game with such different themes. I'm really sorry if you liked the Demon route, but I really can't develop both routes at a reasonable pace. I can only pick one and I think most people like the Human route more, and it's easier to develop anyway
v0.3.5 -Added many scenes in the old chapters -Changed some music and sound effects in the old chapters -Further diverged the Human and the Demon routes -Small continuation of the story
v0.3 -Added 2 animations in chapter 1 -Added the ability to name saves -Continuation of the story
v0.2 -Added a Human and a Demon route, where the Human route offers a more realistic experience. Both require a restart to activate. -Added more choices to chapter 1 -Continuation of the story