Отец-одиночка, четыре дочери. Кто-то вернулся из своего прошлого. Какое зло последует за этим?
Хотя ведущий работает в той же школе, что и его дочери, в центре сюжета будет домашняя / семейная жизнь, поэтому ожидайте, что в школьные часы будет много пропусков времени.
v0.06 -contains approx. 660 new images, 16 new animations, and 4 new audio tracks.
V0.05 - approx. 570 new images, 22 new animations and 14 new audio tracks.
V0.04 - approx. 375 images and 7 animations - Option to change the school name. You can do so in the 'Options/Extras' screen, or at the start of a new game.
V0.03 - Approx. 500 images and 26 animations - Option to change the girls' Nicknames. A new game should not be required. If loading a save you can change them via the 'Options/Extras' screen. - Made a compressed version. Warning: contains low-quality images/animations.
v0.02 Contains approx. 500 images and 12 animations NEW: - I've added a new font choice in Options/Dialogue. - During some animations you will be able to select different camera angles. Keep an eye out for camera buttons appearing in the top-right corner of the screen In order to change the angle. These can be changed at anytime during the scene, and will not affect dialogue progression. (Currently only for one scene)
v0.01 Initial Release Contains approx 300 images and 4 animations