Вы начинаете играть за обычного парня, которому не везет в личной жизни. Однажды к вам подходит странная девушка с эльфийскими ушами, которая представляется жрицей богини Фиаллы и говорит, что у ее богини есть для вас предложение. Оказывается, главный герой - очень далекий потомок инопланетной расы, которая когда-то поклонялась ей. Наконец просит вас отправиться с ее жрицей на заброшенную планету (Калипсо 69), где давным-давно жили ваши предки, и оказать ей услугу. Вы также встретите нетраннер Сильфи, наемницу Тананду и космического пирата Миву, которые живут на планете по разным причинам. Также богиня подарит МС амулет изменчивости, с помощью которого МС сможет превращаться в женщину (по желанию). Игра ориентирована на женское доминирование.
v0.9 New 5 events with 45 animations in total: Sex with Sylphie (ask her in coffe shop if she needs anything) Night scene with Peggy (click on the portal at night it will teleport you to her starship) New event with Fialla and Lucypurr (choose summer Fialla after clicking on her statue) New work in casino (you have to enable futa content) 5 random short scenes with Zoe (ask her if she needs anything) Fixed a lot of typos in the second part The next update will be final! v0.7.5 Night scene with Tananda and Thal'na Night scene with Sylphie
v0.7 Dog training with Luna Event with Thal'na in a gym Event with Fialla and Lucypurr (go to her realm when Fialla is in a spring form (white skin, gren hair) ) Completed working event in casino (added scene with Miwa and Luna) New event in the tavern v0.6.1 Ask Leah for work and talk to Miwa when she's lying on the chair to get new scenes v0.6 Added "cathouse" and 2 scenes there (Miwa and Luna) Added 2 events with Fialla (Winter and Autumn Fialla have different events) Added 2 evening events in trolls' house New event in the tavern Added two new scenes during whore event in casino v0.5.5 30 new animations new map event with Tananda 2 events with Sylphie event with Zoe and two nexalians event with Leah event in casino v0.5 early endings with Miwa, Peggy, and Fialla v0.45 Continuation of the main quest early endings with Sylphie, Tananda, and Sylphie+Tananda
v0.4 Continuation of the main quest (options in a dialog depend on your sub points with girls) new extra scene mc got a haircut xD
v0.3.5 Scene in the kitchen with Sylphie Another training from Tananda Quest with Fialla Scene with Miwa and Peggy (main quest)
v0.3 Continuation of the main story (first whore event) Continuation of Fialla's story Continuation of Miwa's story Short event with Sylphie (it can happen any morning if you had enough sub points) Reworked free-roaming v0.2.5 Quest with each girl Short event in the kitchen v0.2 Continuation of every girl's story Hidden event with Fialla (you must have urination unlocked and a few her submission points) - talk to Peggy when she's in her room to trigger it. (the chance is 30%) v0.15 Main story quest (with Fialla) Quests with Peggy, Sylphie, Miwa and Tananda v0.1: Prologue 3 quests ~300 renders A few sex scenes (30 nsfw animations)