Вы не шаблонный герой этой истории, здесь нет девушки, которую нужно спасти, или волшебного меча, который вы можете использовать по прихоти, чтобы преодолеть все препятствия. После сотен лет в духовной форме, после того, как ваше физическое тело было разрушено, вы, наконец, набрались сил, чтобы снова обрести форму. Нисходящий в мир, который просто не подготовлен для вас. Верни то, что ты потерял, возможно, ослабленный, но ничто не сравнится с твоим талантом к обману и хитрости. Превращайте королевства в пепел и руины, сжигайте и уничтожайте все, потому что это то, что у вас есть, - воля доминировать над всеми формами жизни.
Используйте тех, кого вы можете, для продвижения своих амбиций и целей, и как только они достигнут своей цели, казните их или, возможно, пощадите? Соберите все зло, которое таится в мире, на поверхности или в глубокой тьме внизу - и пока некоторые могут сопротивляться, вы рядом, чтобы напомнить им, кто здесь хозяин, развязать войну и посмотреть, как мир горит.
Они либо преклоняют колени, либо вы определяете их судьбу.
-Chapter I - A lot of background is revealed here, quite a deep scene as well. Somewhat of a plot twist even!
- Two new soundtracks.
Version v0.6.1 - Episode 2 Story and Content:
- Intro and Prologue of Episode 2! - Added new soundtracks - Some characters have recieved a bit of a makeover!
- Free Roam mode removed per results of the voting! - Rework of GUI
Version v0.5 -
Story and Content:
- Chapter 2 - Part 3 ( Episode 1 Wrap up)
- Typo Fixes ( At least one's I found and was told about.) - Fixed more loop bugs. ( They're like cockroaches apparently.)
Version v0.4 -
Story and Content:
- Chapter 2 - Part 2 - Contains v0.3 Patron Patch
- New Soundtracks added to Music Room - 3 New Soundtracks - Typo Fixes - Fixed the issue with character names appearing wrong at some scenes. - Fixed the issue where you couldn't start Chapter 1 if you missed the choice the first time. - Fixed the issue with Rose scene being loop-able on the ship. - Fixed the issue where you can speak to Morgana before seeing the dwarves. - Added some additional scene that state CLEARLY and DIRECTLY some things about main character. (This regards some complaints about MC and his ''sex drive'' and this is last time I am doing this. I've already stated game is not for those who are here for magical dick or a fuck fest, anyone else complains about this you can suck it for me.)
Version v0.3 Public Build NOTE: It is advised to always load a save file that is slightly early before the end of current content, to avoid potential issues with things not popping up as they should. This is due to constant changes and adding of new values. Story and Content:
Chapter 2 Start
Contains v0.2 Patron Patch Other:
Achievement System ( Just to reward you with some achievements here and there depending on your choices! )
2 New Soundtracks
Music Room Added ( You can now enjoy those juicy tracks! )
Typo Fixes
Continue Story button as per suggestions made. CS button will now become visible if you've finished all free roaming aspects, signaling you that you can now continue forward.
Bug Fix: No longer possible to loop specific scenes. ( Keeping my ears open for more!)
Slightly amplified romance soundtrack as it was too quiet before.
Adjustments to Rose sex scene per suggestion.
Slight rework on scene from intro per suggestion.
Rose Facial Changes ( Just a bit of make up, as per some feedback someone mistook Rose for an old lady! ) Version v0.3 Patreon Build Story and Content:
3 Additional Morgana Shade Scenes.
2 Additional Story scenes. Last Minute Changes:
3 New Soundtracks
Free Roaming Background Changes for: Village Day / Village Afternoon ( Much fabulous, much beautiful.)
Contains previous Patron Only patch.
Previous Patron Only Patch Content - Typo Fixes - Start of Chapter 1 - Some work on characters, some subtle changes and some not. - Edited some audio to make it less jumpy. - GUI Tweaks - Fixed the issue with missing fonts that caused kinetic tags unable to trigger. R.I.P More typo fixes. Chapter 1: Part 3 Re-post processed some scenes for better quality. v0.2 Patron Only Content Rewrote some sections of Intro slightly. New Music Track added
Version v0.2 - Patron Patch Contains:
Additional scenes and story content:
2 Additional Story Scenes 3 Morgana Shade Scenes. 2 Rose Scenes. 1 Rose Sex Scene.