История начинается в ваш день рождения, и вы быстро находите отрывки в дневнике вашей жены, которые дают вам понять, что не все было так, как она утверждала. Кроме того, ее бывший жених вернулся в ее жизнь, на этот раз встречаясь с ее лучшей подругой.
v0.2 * Changed the numbering of updates to the requested method * 75 Amazing new renders * One love scene * Beginning of routes implementation * Addition of stats menu
v1.1 * Some typos corrected * Testing out new fonts * Corrected hover/idle colours for buttons * Repaired sliders in the Preferences menu
Version 1.0: Hey everybody! Welcome to the first download of Normal Trade Relations. Don't you just fucking love that acronym? To quote the ugly bastards that go with it: "heh heh heh". But, I'm aiming to make this game something different. Something special. I'm a fan of literature and one piece of literature that has always gripped me is Anna Karenina. A show which I recently watched and enjoyed was Sex/Life. There's parallels there and that's what I want to show here.
This is just the first edition of the game, so there's not that much content. I am hoping that it obviously winds up taking off and we will be able to create an expansive story. Since it's the first release, we're kicking off the launch by making it free for everyone to download.
I'm going to try and give you an Update every month. If not this game, then another. But the content stream will be flowing. I am dedicated to that promise.