Действие игры, действие которой разворачивается в ближайшем будущем, позволяет вам примерить на себя роль подростка на пороге летних каникул. Я не буду сейчас раскрывать все подробности – это вам предстоит узнать на протяжении всего игрового процесса!
v0.30a Added day 25, 26, 27, and the beginning of 28 New locations Minor GUI changes Code optimization
v0.28a Added days 21, 22, 23, and 24 Added some renders to older scenes Overhauled help system (only code, now attributes in the class are generated dynamically) Improved money interaction system (Money flow is now visible directly on screen) Other minor changes that I don't remember anymore :p v0.24b - Added days 19 and 20 - Added some new scenes to the nightclub - Rerendered some older scenes
v0.21a Completed day 17 Added day 18 and the beginning of day 19 New UI Can hire new models (On PC) Some statistics: The game contains 3,236 dialogue blocks, containing 15,796 words and 80,156 characters, averaging 4.9 words and 25 characters per block. The game contains 88 menus, 1,561 images, and 98 screens.
v0.19b Completed game day 14 Added game days 15, 16, and half of day 17
v0.17b – Added days 12, 13, and 14. – The studio now also generates money, and a gallery is available on its website. – New location: NightClub – a place where you will be able to spend earned money in the future (still in development). – New mini-game on the player’s PC where it’s possible to win or lose earned money. – Fixed a game-saving error. The error was caused by a variable in a Python class. For unknown reasons, Renpy did not save this variable, leading to errors in saved games. The issue has been resolved. From version 0.17b and all subsequent versions, the save system should be fully functional. – Transition from .PNG format to .WEBP (smaller file size while maintaining render quality). – Re-rendered some scenes. – Other minor corrections and adjustments made.
v0.14 Day 11 New/modified mechanics: Time rewinding – now you don’t need to visit the player’s room and click on the bed to rewind time. Time rewinding is now done through an icon in the top right corner (the bed is no longer functional). Map – now you can use the map and travel from anywhere. Progress bar showing the advancement of in-game day/night cycles. Other minor gameplay changes. v0.13 The complete 9th and 10th day of the game have been added A hint system has been implemented for easier navigation Some scenes and locations have been re-rendered (There's still a lot more to re-render though...) Fixed a bug associated with the poster in RedRoom
v0.11 For those who don't want to wait for the complete second episode (episode ~7 in-game days). This version includes the complete end of day 7 and the entire day 8, along with some minor adjustments. Certain parts of the core code have been reworked, so this version is likely not compatible with older version.