Следуйте за Найтрайт, задиристой и энергичной рыжеволосой девушкой, готовой сделать себе имя, поскольку она борется с преступностью и стремится уничтожить злобную банду Красных сирен, которая наводняет ее город!
В настоящее время эта игра находится на ОЧЕНЬ ранней стадии разработки! Пока не ждите большого количества контента! Пожалуйста, протестируйте это и дайте мне знать, что бы вы хотели увидеть еще / изменить!
I hope you all enjoy Ch9! It took a long time for me to get out as I had some personal things pop up in my life which resulted in me not having nearly as much time as I'd like to work on projects. I knew going into Ch9 that I wanted it to be a very important chapter that focused more on wrapping up the story rather than lewd scenes or anything like that. With the project nearing its end, I find myself eager to start the next game and so perhaps a bit of that passion is lost that I had for previous chapters. That being said, I'm still happy with it, and am looking forward to the final chapter! Chapter 10 will focus heavily on relationships, player choice, and lewdness (To make-up for the lack-thereof in ch9). It might seem a bit brief to some, but as I mentioned before I wanted to focus just on the narrative to wrap up the story so that I can focus heavily on ch10's relationships. Remember, done is always better than perfect!
You'll also notice that I removed the chapter select screen! I had planned to do this from the start once I felt I had enough content to justify it. I feel that it gives the game a more cohesive flow. Doing so made me replay some of the older chapters and it made me chuckle seeing how much I've grown since this project began. Going into my next project, I've managed to prepare and organize WAAAAY better than I did with this project. I'm so so so so looking forward to introducing it -- but first, we've got to finish this one! Onto Chapter 10~!
Sorry this update took so long. As much as I wish I could devote all of my time to game-dev, I do it on the side and as such my personal life sometimes gets in the way. But, here we are! Chapter 8. This update adds new sex-scenes for romanceable characters (Cassie, Tara & Mix, Vix, Dr. Yun), as well as sets up the scene for the final showdown between Musclegirl and Nightwraith! It also adds 182 renders, making the total render count to date a wild 1,102. I encourage you guys to make different save files and explore each romanceable scene for each girl! Personally, I think my favorite is either Mix's or Vix's...
Happy New Year! And what better way to celebrate than to release the next chapter of Adventures of a Rookie Superhero!? I worked hard to get it out before the new year so I hope you all enjoy it! Sorry it took so long with this chapter. I've been really busy with work and the holidays. Don't think I've forgotten about all of you, though! I'm so excited for 2024. The overwhelmingly positive response I've gotten towards this game has bolstered me to shoot for even greater goals for this next year! I cannot wait to show you all what I've got cooking!
Hey Folks!
Happy New Year! And what better way to celebrate than to release the next chapter of Adventures of a Rookie Superhero!? I worked hard to get it out before the new year so I hope you all enjoy it! Sorry it took so long with this chapter. I've been really busy with work and the holidays. Don't think I've forgotten about all of you, though!
I'm so excited for 2024. The overwhelmingly positive response I've gotten towards this game has bolstered me to shoot for even greater goals for this next year! I cannot wait to show you all what I've got cooking!
Until then, enjoy the latest chapter and please let me know if you run into any issues!
SPOILER Hey folks!
Chapter 6 is here! Mix makes a big breakthrough that leads to Piper making an even bigger one! It's also time to start thinking about who you want to romance in this chapter...You'll have the option to confess your love to just a few of them here, so pick carefully, or save yourself for a future choice!
Changelog: - Fixed typo on Chapter Selection Screen. - Fixed dissolve issue that led to bug screen in ch5. - Added hotkey command that allows you to hide display box (Press H or the Middle-Mouse button)
Hey Folks!
It's here! The 5th chapter to Adventures of a Rookie Superhero! This chapter develops the narrative to the next stage, bringing in some old characters, and a couple new ones! There's also a few new lewd scenes to explore. This update alone added a whopping 152 renders and we've passed the 1g mark!
Changelog: - Fixed error when talking to Mix in her apartment in ch4. - Fixed dissolve error when talking to Mix in her apartment in ch4. - Added various colors to various character names. - Changed ending thank-you page to include Super Sneaky Patron names.