Существует не одна, а множество сфер, составляющих запутанную паутину творения. Эти царства существовали изолированно с незапамятных времен, каждое управлялось индивидуальными божествами, духами и законами, управляющими циклами в соответствии со своими прихотями. По мере того как проходили эпохи, божества постепенно покидали данные им царства, позволяя долине между ними ослабевать.
Когда ткань реальности, наконец, исчезнет, божества, друзья и враги в равной степени расскажут о себе и своих желаниях следующему поколению вознесенных.
Глубоко в Земном царстве молодой человек переживает еще одну трагедию за свое недолгое существование и вынужден вернуться в место, которое он когда-то называл домом. Пока он пытается устроиться в мирной жизни, окруженный как новыми, так и старыми друзьями, тайны, связанные с богатством и недавней кончиной его дяди, приведут к вещам, которые он никогда не мог себе представить.
There have been some pretty big overhauls to the dialogue in all past episodes, so this may be a point where a new play through is warranted. We've had an editor go through and clean up word choice, grammar, and any additional spelling issues that were still present making everything much easier to read.
The bugs in the adult scenes have been corrected, now views actually change from the Sumida virginity scene on wards as they were intended. There have been a lot of other bugs fixed throughout the replay gallery as well as a complete revamp of the menu system and settings.
I hope you've all had a fantastic week, if not hopefully a little Fractured Realms this weekend will help to make up for it. The 0.5.1 content patch is now live, this includes this first half(ish) of Episode 6 and ends on a bit of a cliffhanger. The 0.5.2 content patch is well underway with a progress update coming out tomorrow that will include some additional Studio announcements.
I believe I have corrected all of the reported bugs for this release except for two, famous last words, and I still need to verify the Veen pregnancy achievement.
There is still an issue changing views in the last two adult scenes, when clicking the button the view remains. In addition the black screen when the animation repeats, I have been unable to find a way to fix this within RenPy so I am going to render out 3-5 minute animation loops in order to reduce the problem until I find another option.
v0.5 Changes Merger 0.4.1 & 0.4.2
Audio addition to 0.4.1 & 0.4.2 scenes
Adult content changes: All adult scenes moved to adult.rpy and all lead ups sanitized if this file is missing.
Steam Achievements: Base code for all initial achievements has been entered and achievements will go live during the public release.
Episode Selector: Reskinned and Updated with Episode 5
Replay Gallery: Reskinned and updated with the two scenes from Episode 5
Steam Achievements: Baseline code has been implemented.
Introduction Changes: You can now choose to name all characters during the intro, during game play, or set them to default to be changed later. I've also added some of the adult scene-related variables to the intro as well. This can be chosen to be completed there or during game play (Blood and Sleeping variables).
Outro Changes: Updated ending to be cohesive with all changes made thus far and added an image for the website.
Nicole Animations: Re-processed Nicole's animation from the 0.1 into video form smoothing out the frame rate.
Bug fixes, so many bug fixes, not only reported but many that I found as I was fixing other problems. All reported bug fixes have been corrected for this release aside from the Sumida02 scene where her clothes are still on in between position transitions.
0.5 - Known Issues Bugs: When accessing and starting Episode 1 through the Episode selector it immediately throws an error. If you encounter this bug, attempt to start normally with the Start button on the home menu or switch to another episode and back before starting.
Animations Sumida & Nicole: Video animations have a split second of a black screen between repeating. This has to do with the way RenPy runs the videos. I've extended the animation videos to +/- 10 seconds to reduce the frequency of this as I look for a resolution. If I cannot find one by the next release I will extend the animations further.
v0.4.1 N/A
0.3 Total Content: Episodes 1-3 Renders: 3,705 Dialogue: 41,464