На дворе 2070-е годы, и вы берете на себя роль Снейка Сименса, перспективного оперативника зловещей организации "Коготь". Ваш босс Думфист верит в ваши способности, и вы не собираетесь его подводить. В рамках продвижения в ряды самых элитных агентов Talon вам предлагается пройти испытание - стать всемирно известной девушкой-геймером, стримером в прямом эфире, киноактрисой и элитным боевым пилотом D.Va его только что взяли в плен! У вас есть 8 дней на подготовку D.Va и преврати ее в актив Talon любым способом, который сочтешь нужным! Но с другими элитными агентами Talon, готовыми вмешаться в ваши планы, все может очень быстро усложниться!
v1.1.0 +Endings replay gallery has been added. Big quality of life improvement! +Thanks for playing 8 Days with the Diva! +Marking this game as "Completed" + Come check out my other game, Stellar Incognita.
v1.0.0 +This is the last update - the game is complete! +The final Widowmaker and Sombra endings have been added. +Walkthrough file is included below +Over 1400 images, 25 endings +gg
v0.9.5 +The second-to-last batch of endings are here! +This update focuses on the "balanced" endings, where you concentrate evenly on two of the attributes for D.VA. +There is also one more way to perfectly balance out the attributes for D.Va other than 4 and 4. Do it this one other way for a bonus ending!
v0.9.0 +The first batch of endings are here! +This update focuses on the "perfect" endings, where you concentrate completely on one of the attributes. +It is recommended you use this version of the game to play from the beginning if you want INDOCTRINATION endings. There was a bug in the last version that has since been fixed, so better not to use old saves .
v0.8.0 +The final day of training. D.Va's fate is decided here! +Glory hole training for D.VA! Or maybe some group sex? +Share a tender moment with WIDOWMAKER +Have a spicy time with SOMBRA +DAY 08 complete +Endings begin next update!
v0.7.0 +The penultimate day of the training with D.VA. Everything is getting more intense. +Or, depending on your past choices, you can continue to act on your desires with WIDOWMAKER or SOMBRA. +DAY 07 complete
v0.6.0 +Costume fun with D.VA! +Meet WIDOWMAKER in a supply store room! +Help SOMBRA with her workout! +DAY 06 complete
v0.5.0 +Make a movie with D.VA (sex scene a contractual obligation) +D.VA makes a visit to a Numbani bordello (optional) +More fun with WIDOWMAKER! +Some naughty sex with SOMBRA! +Another ending added to the game! +DAY 05 complete
v0.4.0 +D.VA's cherry is popped! +WIDOWMAKER's brain is washed! +SOMBRA makes her move. +MOIRA tries to make sense of it all with a halfway point evaluation. +DAY 04 complete
v0.3.0 +Training with D.VA is ramping up +Spy on SOMBRA's private time +WIDOWMAKER has a threesome +DAY 03 complete
v0.2.0 +More training with D.VA +Have some fun with SOMBRA and WIDOWMAKER +DAY 02 complete