Мир сошел с ума. Вирус эволюционировал, и по приказу правительства никто больше не должен покидать свои дома. Все передается через Интернет. Покупки продуктов, работа, свидания... Все поставки осуществляются обученными элитными солдатами, которым разрешено выходить на улицу, они также действуют как истребители вируса, убивая любого, кого увидят вне их домов, без посторонней помощи. Это испорченный мир... Теперь ты живешь один со своей заботливой матерью. Ваша жизнь полностью меняется, когда вы больше не можете придерживаться своих старых привычек, что делает вашу жизнь взаперти дома намного более терпимой.
v.0.85 Report any issues and it will be fixed till the next update. - Some bug fixes adressed from last update. - Tracker up to last update (nothing this update) - 2 new mom dildo scenes - 7 new granny bathroom scenes - 2 new neighbour scenes - 2 new maid scenes
v0.8 - 1 new mom watching porn scene - 1 new neighbour scene - 1 new maid scene - 2 new granny laundry scenes
v0.75 - 3 new granny laundry scenes - Simple day and night cycle in neighbours house - Introduced new maid character - 1 new maid scene + uncompletable side "quest" - 1 new neighbour scene - 1 New closet scene
v0.7 - 3 new main event scenes - Grandma visiting and roaming completed. No scenes yet - Visiting and roaming in neighbours house completed. No scenes yet - Lots of code fixes. I appreciate all known issues (Not graphical, deal with it. Play a little bit and the images will get better. I maybe will replace the bad ones when the project is done... Maybe)
v0.65 - 2 new main event scenes - 2 new cleaning scenes - 1 new neighbour scene - 2 new granny scenes - calling / visiting content started - 1 new location - granny roaming started
v0.6 - Its been a crazy month last month, i havent kept track on whats new this update. - Main events have been updated. - New character have been introduced. - Beggining of branched new side content. - Fixed some scenes that didnt work the last update.
v0.55 update - No update this time. I have been busy with new work place these past two weeks. There will be a new update in another two weeks though.
v0.55 - Added missing sound effects from previous update - Small error fixes - branched the main events even more - new side events
v0.5 - Continuation of the main content - Introduced a new character - New location an calling featured planned - New side content (yoga) - Completion of all started side contents - I think i have figured out a way to get the right aspect ratio. most of the images here on forth will have this aspect ratio.
v0.45 - 7 new scenes - All started side content is almost completed - Computer content can loosely be explored
v0.4 - 7+ new scenes - Start in expanding the play area. End of chapter 1 if you will - small edits
v0.3 - 7 new scenes - More sound effects - Tried images with models that isnt stretched. I didnt like the outcome of any of my attemts, so i will probably keep the stretched images throughout this project. - Some faces in this update is horrendous, but i found them so hilarious, i kept them as is.
v0.25 - 4 new scenes - Music - Sound effects - Set up for future events
v0.2 - Improved the quality of images. - More content, 10+ scenes. - Simple day and night cycle. - Improved estetics of the images, AI oddities edited for example (I am slowly learning how to edit images). - Better buttons. v0.1 Initial Release